°•{~Chapter 27~}•°

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Third POV 

Izuku only rolled his eyes at the sight below him, ignoring the blood starting to spring up from the red line across Katsuki's already bruised up back. In his eyes, the blonde was doing too much. He'd only whipped him once, it wasn't like he had kicked the blonde again, so he didn't see a reason for him to be crying like that. 

"Get your ass off the floor!" Izuku yelled at the blonde, causing another cry to escape the blonde. 

Katsuki's breathing was going ragged at this point. He knew he needed to get back up, but he just couldn't. Knowing that he'd have to endure this much pain almost fifty more times, made it feel impossible to even try. 

"Get up goddammit!" Izuku yelled again he had no patients at all to even give the blonde a second to get up, instead he kicked him letting out anger that just appeared out of nowhere. 

"Agh!" Katsuki cried, falling over on his side, hitting his broken hand into the floor trying to catch himself. 

"God Kat! You really just get on my fucking nerves! Why do I even keep your worthless ass around!" Izuku began getting louder and louder, cursing out the blonde. All Katsuki could do was cover his ears and cry out apology after apology, but it just kept fuelling Izuku's anger.  

"Just shut the hell up!" Izuku yelled at Katsuki, grabbing the lamp from the bedside table and throwing it right next to Katsuki's head. 

Katsuki screamed before the both of them went silent as the lamp shattered into pieces next to Katsuki. They both looked at each other wide-eyed, but both faces were covered with different emotions. Katsuki looked absolutely terrified looking up at Izuku, while the greenette stared at Katsuki with rage bubbling up inside him. 

Their stare down was interrupted by a loud banging on the door behind Izuku. Izuku turned around, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his temper before swinging open the door. 

"The fuck do you want." Izuku snarled at Dabi sitting on the other side. 

"I don't know if you forgot what time it is, but some people are trying to fucking sleep out here." Dabi said with just as much bite back as Izuku. 

"As if your alcoholic self is trying to sleep. I can smell the liquor coming off you." Izuku laughed in annoyance, going to slam the door in Dabi's face. 

"Yeah, so what, Keigo is trying to sleep, and I don't fucking mind burning down this room to get some damn peace and quiet." Dabi said, stopping the door as his hand began to heat up. 

"Alright!" Izuku huffed in annoyance before turning back to Katsuki. 
"I'll be back in ten minutes, that mess better be cleaned up and you better be standing again by the time I'm back, or we're going back to the basement! Got it!" Izuku yelled at Katsuki again, the teary-eyed blonde flinched before nodding in response. 

"Great." Izuku said before grabbing a pack of cigarettes from off the desk next to him and leaving, slamming the door behind him and bumping shoulders with Dabi as he walked past. 

Dabi only looked at Izuku with a face scrunched up in irritation as he walked by. He didn't bother starting an argument because he didn't have time to deal with Izuku's bullshit. Instead, he ignored Izuku's rude exit, Dabi turned to head to his bedroom before pausing in front of Izuku's door. 

Dabi twisted the door nob open to find a frantic Katsuki on the other side with shards of the lamp in his hands, creating more cuts on his already cut up hands. It took Katsuki a moment to realize Dabi was there, he was stuck in his own world of panic trying to clean up all the broken lamp from the floor. But when he did notice Dabi he stayed silent. His puffy, blood shot eyes covered with tears stayed locked with Dabi's own turquoise eyes. The blonde didn't know what to say or do, considering Dabi was someone that had tried to kill him on multiple occasions. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬Where stories live. Discover now