°•{~Chapter 10~}•°

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Sorry for the late post. My schedule got full and I completely forgot I had to edit this chapter. And I add around five hunderd more words to the story last minute, I'm totally a mess. (゜▽゜;) 

Third POV 

Katsuki was now returning from a tiring day of work, which he of course fucked up again. It was a simple task at hand, he'd done it before. Just save some people from a burning building, but he of course fucked up. He had to call for back up his mind was a mess and the building was obviously going to collapse soon, but in the end there was eleven casualties and blood on Katsuki's hands. 

"Five months and twelve days..." Katsuki whispered to him self as he entered his extremly clean house. Not a speck of dust in site. 

Some people may just give up with everything when their too stressed typically ending up with a messy room or house and chores that they need to do, but Katsuki wasn't like that. 'If you keep it clean one less thing to worry about.' That's Katsuki's motto, one less thing that's falling apart. 

Katsuki entered the house placing his bulky boots at the genken before taking off his mask for his hero suit. Over the time Katsuki ate and slept less he stopped changing or taking showers at his agency, he didn't want any one to notice how pale his skin was or his dark eye bags. 

After Katsuki placed down his stuff at the enterance he stared at his neatly made couch with perfectly puffed pillows, and a throw blanket neatly laid on the sofa. All he wanted to do at the moment was pass out on the sofa, he was so emotionally and physically exhausted all he wanted to do was pass out. He hadn't had proper sleep in days and he was way too tired of crying. All he needed to do was plop down on his sofa and sleep, then worry about all his problems the next day. 

He was just about to make it over to the sofa and finally give into the sleep that his body had been yearning for, when he got interuppted by his door bell ringging. If this was back two months ago Katsuki would have been over the moon, anticipation coursing through his veins that someone was at his door. His hopes would lead him to believing this had to be Izuku. 

But over the several times it happened, it was never Izuku. He'd always go over to the door with shaky hands hoping Izuku was on the other side but only be disappointed to find a crusty old mailman knocking on his door. Katsuki walked over thinking about what he might have ordered this week, but finally landing on it probably being fan mail from his agency. 

Katsuki opend the door and looked up at the person on the other side. To say Katsuki was shocked, or suprised is just not fitting for the emotion he's feeling now, the closest it gets to describe it is surreal. It felt like when he saw Izuku again years later after being presumed dead. Waves of happyness, not even knowing what to say or how the tears that were currently flying down his face like a high current river ended up there. Maybe asking someone to slap him across the face would let him know whether or not this was a dream, he'd do that if his mind wasn't a mess and if his body wasn't stunnd. All Katsuki could do was stare and cry. 

It was Izuku, his Izuku. The same one that died and came back into his life, the same one that left him just a few months ago. He was back on Katsuki's door step, and Katsuki didn't know what to do. 

"I-Izuku.." Once Katsuki croaked out that one word past his lips the flood gates were flung open. Before Katsuki's crys were silent but now his sobbs were roaring through his whole body, now Katsuki was really crying. His head fell down letting the fast falling tears falling down his face to the floor, his hands fell down scrunched up in fists. If he's being honest he kinda lost hope that Izuku would be coming back, Katsuki wasn't going to go around dating people but he honestly thought Izuku wasn't going to ever step foot in his house again. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬Where stories live. Discover now