°•{~Chapter 29~}•°

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Third POV

"You know, his quirk would make a pretty good nomu." Dr. Garaki said, turning to Izuku as he placed the chart down near the edge of Katsuki's bed.

"I believe donating one's body to science is very admirable." Garaki smiled at Izuku

"Think about it, and I'll paralyse you and force you to watch me rip apart everything you've created." Izuku spat in response.

"Oh, Izuku, so violent." Dr. Garaki chuckled, going back to pick up his chart.

"I'm assuming you want me to go over all his injuries." Dr. Garaki asked.

Izuku nodded, shifting his attention back to his unconscious boyfriend.

Taking a long breath before speaking. "Alright. He has a concussion, so be more mindful of protecting his head, unless of course you want him to have lasting brain damage. The concussion will likely cause him to pass out or have migraines often until it heals" Dr. Garaki began

"Three ribs are bruised and one is broken.  It will cause his breathing to be more painful. Make sure he's not breathing too hard if you want them to heal properly. The abdominal bruise he has could cause some internal bleeding. So he should be taken here immediately if he has lasting sharp pain in his stomach or blood in his bowwl movements or vomit" Dr. Garaki paused hearing Dabi and Akatsuki enter the room.

"Ah, Dabi right on time, the boy's over there." Dr. Garaki said, pointing to the door near a wall of purple giant tubes. 

"Now, where were we? Oh, yes, his back should heal within a week along with the cuts on his hands feet and wrist. His hand is broken, so keep it in his brace, it should be out of use for the next month or two.." Garki paused, flipping his paper.

"His over all body is covered in cuts and bruises that will need to be cleaned routinely to keep from infections. His body and muscles are very exhausted and overused, so rest and proper food will help his recovery." Dr. Garaki finished turning back to Izuku. "Medications too?" He asked. 

Izuku looked over Katsuki's bandaged body, looking at the wrist and IV drip stuck to his body before nodding with a sigh. He needed to know if anything would cause drawbacks. Garaki hummed a quiet "OK" before going over to medicines he had lined on the counter, Izuku following behind him. 

"Similar to the serum, the canceler will likely cause severe depression or anxiety, and can cause manic or hypomanic episodes along with moods swings. It may also cause headaches shortness of breath appetite problems, fatigue and weight gain or loss. These effects will happen over extended use." Garaki said holding up a bottle filled with pills. 

"Then here's some pain medication that should help release the pain of his broken bones. And then he needs to take an iron, calcium, and D-3 tablet every day, and taking these multi-vitamins would be beneficial." He said, holding up five more bottles, tossing them into a paper bag with the rest. 

"And here are the bandages and ointments for his wounds, as well as the needed syringes and sedative you asked for." Dr. Garaki added putting a few more things to the already stuffed bag before folding it, and taping it closed then handing it to Izuku. 

"Thanks." Izuku grumbled, realizing how much new work he'd have to do to take care of Katsuki as he took the bag from the older man. 

Garaki hummed in response going back to check on Katsuki's IV drip, seeing it now finished he smiled turning back to Izuku.

"You can take him now. Would you like a wheelchair? You're gonna need it." He said as his gray moustache lifted, showing his creepy smile

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