°•{~Chapter 16~}•°

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Third POV 

"Fuck!" Katsuki whisper shouted to himself in panic. 

He quickly sprung up from his spot on the bed, making his purple wrist bang against the now padded cuff that Izuku put on weeks ago to help with the pain the cuffs were causing. Katsuki looked down at the mess before him. The bowl and tray shattered all over the floor, while the milk carton was tipped over, slowly leaking onto the floor. 

Katsuki stood up, standing where shards of the plate were everywhere and now digging into his feet, but he ignored the pain because he had better things to worry about. Like the fact that Izuku could come down here any minute now and punish Katsuki for this mess. 

Katsuki kneeled down, picking up the milk and placing it on the table before going to work picking up the shards into his hand, hissing at the pain of the plate cutting through his pale skin. 

"Katsuki!" Izuku yelled as he slammed the door open. Izuku stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw Katsuki. 

Katsuki's body froze at the sound of Izuku's voice as he ran into the room. Tears began to spill over the blonde's eyes as ideas of what Izuku would do to punish him started to flow in faster and faster. He was terrified to move or look up to see Izuku's reaction. 

"Katsuki." Izuku's voice came out soft and astonished by the sight of Katsuki kneeled onto the broken plate covered floor. Katsuki's delicate hand was filled with more pieces as well that were slicing into his pale hand. And to finish it all off was Katsuki's hand dangled above his head with a cuff attached to the bed while Katsuki's crimson eyes were blindly staring daggers into the floor. 

The sound of Izuku's voice again made Katsuki's still body begin to tremble before he came to his senses and remember what he was doing. 

"I..I-I'm sorry, i-it wa-was an-an accident!" Katsuki's hand began to hurriedly pick up more pieces, trying to clear the floor for Izuku's liking. "I-I'll fi-fix it. I prom-promise!" Katsuki began to let small sorrys eascape his lips as the river from his eyes continued to flow down his face, while he put his hand to work picking up more pieces. 

"Kacchan it's okay." Izuku said softly as he stepped forward, coming closer to Katsuki. 

"No! I'm sorry!" Katsuki screamed, falling back onto the floor with his hand to catch himself, staring petrified at Izuku. 

"Katsuki, I'm not going to hurt you." Izuku slowly stepped forward but stopped right at the end of the bed as Katsuki jumped up from where he was sitting letting go of most of the shards in his hand letting them scrape against his fingers but keeping the biggest and sharpest piece clutched in his hand. 

"Pl-Please, it was an accident." Katsuki cried out taking a step back from Izuku, trying to create some distance between the two. 

"I know Kacchan, but please..." Izuku reached his hand out carefully to the blonde making a small step forward. 

"I'll fi-fix it, please don't hurt me." Katsuki took another few steps back before making an audible gasping as his legs bumped into the bedside table, meaning there was no space left for him to move back. Katsuki couldn't go anywhere, and Izuku was only coming closer. So, Katsuki tightened his grip on the plate shard, holding it as some kind of protection. 

"Kacchan, please put that down, you're only hurting yourself more." Izuku's voice came out calm, trying to ease Katsuki as he moved closer. Izuku wasn't too afraid for his safety with Katsuki holding the sharp plate as a weapon, he knew UA taught the students how to use quirks more than weapons, so he knew he was safe. He was more scared of Katsuki hurting himself. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬Where stories live. Discover now