°•{~Chapter 21~}•°

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Third POV

"Remember Kat, I said I wouldn't let anyone fucking hurt you." Izuku spat, momentarily pointing the gun at Katsuki. "But that didn't fucking mean you could hurt me." Izuku hissed as if Katsuki running away was done to purposely hurt the greenette's feelings and loyalty, then he tossed the gun off to the side, shifting forward.

There's no way this could be happening, Katsuki was so close to finally being free, but 'the love of his life' showed up again. All he wanted was to be far, far away from the greenette, but Izuku always had a way of showing up when Katsuki least wanted him too. 

Katsuki's fight or flight Kicked in as Izuku made steps closer. He wanted nothing more than to be centuries away from Izuku, and in a safe place with Akatsuki and Kouki, but he knew Izuku would never allow that. 

"Pl-Please just go away!" Katsuki cried, pulling himself further away from Izuku, seeing as his legs were a little too weak at the moment to pull himself up properly. 

"Come here, Katsuki, you're making things a lot more tough than they need to be." Izuku huffed in annoyance. "If you come here now, your punishment will be a lot less painful than it would be if you decide to exaggerate this more than it needs to be." He continued just as angered and annoyed as he started, he moved closer, giving Katsuki the option to move back to Izuku, but Katsuki didn't. 

Izuku's annoyed voice rang through Katsuki's ears, making another wave of fear pass over him. His heart and breathing was moving a lot faster than it should be, but it was all for a good reason, he was terrified out of his mind. UA taught their students that they may be in life or death threatening situations that may scare them for life, but this was much different than what anyone would have imagined. Especially knowing Izuku wasn't going to kill him, that he'd be stuck in this nightmare till his body finally gives out. 

"S-Stop!" Katsuki cried, flipping over trying to stand up to his feet but was drastically failing. His legs were in too much pain for anyone to with stand, and everything felt like it was broken, not to mention trying to stand up felt like his legs were collapsing to jelly. 

Katsuki glanced back, needing to know how much distance was between him and Izuku, but there was barely any, with Izuku increasingly moving forward with no plan of stopping. Katsuki began grabbing rocks off the ground, throwing them at Izuku to keep him far away, but nothing was working. Izuku easily dodged each one he picked up. 

"Kat, just cut this bullshit out, you are wasting a lot of my time. I was supposed to be doing a lot of things this morning, but instead I'm stuck here wasting time with you! So fucking get a grip and sit your ass down!" Izuku yelled at Katsuki while his anger only increased, and Katsuki wasn't helping the greenette's temper as he continued to ignore his commands while aimlessly throwing rocks. 

Izuku's constant yelling pushed Katsuki to finally muster up the strength to pull himself up to his feet, while using a small explosion to push himself up. Now his legs were no longer in pain from scraping against the gravel road, instead they were in constant pain from standing.

Katsuki made the mistake of turning around and facing Izuku, who had a dark aura of anger surrounding him, which caused Katsuki to freeze in fear. Just a few seconds ago running felt like the only thing his mind could think about, but now running wasn't the only thing coursing through his mind, the underlying feeling of no escape joined in too. 

"Katsuki, I am trying so very hard to stay calm right now, so it would be very helpful if you'd just listen to me right now." Izuku's hand was now balled up into a fist tightening every moment Katsuki wasn't listening to him, he stepped forward to the now very unresponsive blonde. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬Where stories live. Discover now