°•{~Chapter 22~}•°

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This chapter will contain a bit of violence, most of it will be towards the end. 

Third POV 

Katsuki's body went slamming into the road. His arms and legs scraped against the gravel road, big gashes were definitely being opened up on his arms and legs while his head slammed into the floor as well, making another bloody gash. He was definitely going to get a massive headache at some point, but not now. At that moment, everything around him felt like it was buzzing, while someone heavy landed right on top of him. 

"Ahg!" Katsuki screamed in pain. Everything felt like it was circling around him, and his eyes couldn't focus on anything. The air felt like it had just been knocked out of him, and he couldn't no longer breathe or remember what he was doing. 

Then everything hit Katsuki like a ton of bricks as his eye landed on the green fluff right under his chin. 

He was running. 

Then he wasn't. 

Some old guy tried to take him. 

Then Izuku shot him, and the guy's body is sitting somewhere in the road. 

Then he ran again. 

Till he crashed with Izuku on top of him. 

Izuku's on top of him. Wait, Izuku's on fucking top of him! He was so close and yet the greenette was closer. Now he was stuck once again. 

"G-Get Off-f Of M-Me!" All Katsuki could do was use his weak voice to yell as loud as possible. His legs hurt like hell and his bruised and cut hand and feet felt like they were ready to fall off, but he still tried his best to use them. To kick, punch, scream, and push away Izuku but nothing was working, Izuku's heavy weight just stayed in place hovering right above him while blood spilled from the greenette's burned arm. 

"You're such a hassle, Kacchan." Izuku grumbled, trying to pin down Katsuki's ever moving hands. 

"L-Let m-me go!!" Katsuki's screamed tears began bugging out of his eyes once again, his dehydrated body started building up a small sweat creating small pops on the palms of his messed up hands. 

Izuku's eyes widened at the bright pops coming from Katsuki's hand. He knew what the blonde's quirk could do, and he had to stop anything before it started. He had to get his beautiful love back home in at least one piece. 

It was all a mess of struggling, groaning, and tumbling around. Izuku was trying to keep Katsuki pinned down, while the blonde was trying to bring some kind of harm to Izuku. The greenette may be stronger than Katsuki even with the exposed wound on his arm, but Katsuki was putting up a hearty fight. With his screaming and yell kick and punches that he kept throwing at Izuku along with small explosions igniting his hand made it all a struggle for Izuku. 

"Please! I just want to go home!" Katsuki pleaded, still trying to push Izuku off him with tiny explosions on his hands. 

"That's where I'm trying to take you, Katsuki." Izuku grunted then a devious smile graced his face as he finally pinned down both of Katsuki hands right above his head, then keeping down Katsuki's legs became easy as he straddled the smaller below him wrapping his legs in a way Katsuki-s weaker ones couldn't move. 

"No! Please!" Katsuki's voice became a repeating echo as he still continued to try fighting back. He kept trying to move his arms or legs, even going as far as to try using his head to smack into Izuku's, but it was all no hope. 

"Kacchan, I don't think it's very fair that all this time you've been punching and kicking at me, not to mention using your quirk on me. Don't you think it should be my turn now?" Izuku said with a sadistic, terrible grin that Katsuki knew to be no good. 

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