°•{~Chapter 6~}•°

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Third POV

"Uhh... Bakubro?" Kirishima said looking down at the two. Katsuki intrusted Kirishima with a key to his house knowing that he could trust his bestfriend but at the moment Kirishima wished he just knocked on the door. 

He had been in the house for a couple minutes now waiting for the two to notice his presence, but he decided to interrupt them when he heard his best friend begin to moaning under some person he didn't know.  

Izuku pulled away from Katsuki hearing someones voice echo through the room.  

"Fuck." Izuku whispered leaning his head down onto the crook of Katsuki's neck. 

"Ngh~!" Katsuki whined as Izuku bit his neck. "Zuku we gotta get up." Katsuki said lightly pushing at Izuku's broad chest. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm getting up." Izuku said ignoring the presence of the other person on the opposite side of the couch. He sat up leaving enough room for Katsuki to sit up as well. 

Once katsuki cought his breath and thought about how to greet his friend after kirishima just watched him make out with someone. He got up blushing from embarrassment, he put his hand out to help Izuku off the couch as well before making their way around the couch to Eijiro. 

"Hey Kirishima." Katsuki said not making eye contact with Eijiro.  

"So umm.. how long have you been here." Katsuki said nervously fiddiling with his fingers. 

"Hmm.. Around five minutes." Kiri said checking his watch. 

"Why didn't  you say anything!!" Katsuki shrieked blushing much harder. 

"Well I thought you'd notice me sooner. Plus I wouldn't want to ruin your fun." Kirishima winked smirking at the blond. 

"Shitty hair!" Katsuki shouted angerly embarrassed. 

"Chill Bakubro. Now who's this lucky person that got the chance to almost fuck the soon to be number one hero on your couch." Kirishima teased earning a punch in the sholder from Katsuki.  

"Right sorry where are my manners." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Izuku this is Eijiro Kirishima. And Kirishima this is Izuku Midoriya." Katsuki gestured between the two.  

"Nice to finally meet you Kirishima. I've heard a lot about you through the news, and Katsuki." Izuku smiled shaking Kirishima's hand. 

"Yeah nice meeting you to." Kirishima said looking up at Midoriya. Izuku had grown a lot sence middle school and was probably towering over most of the bakusquad. 

"Where's pinky?" Katsuki asked noticing that Kirishima's fiancé wasn't with him. 

"Oh she's still a bit upset from last night and wanted to go in her own car. I think she also went out to get some drinks too." Kirishima answerd. 

"Oh! What drinks is she getting? If she's getting wine or something I want it to go well with the meal I make." Katsuki said leaning on Izuku as Izuku's arm snaked around Katsuki's waist. 

"Probably just some beer or sake if she wants to play drinking games. Not really any thing special." Kirishima thought over. 

"Oh and Kamibro is coming with Shinso. I don't know if sero is coming with someone." Kirishima stated. 

"Ok." Katsuki shrugged. "You guys can go talk or whatever." Katsuki said gesturing to the couch.  

"I'm gonna go make some beef stew, maybe some spicy curry too, oooh and rice." Katsuki said to himself walking to the kitchen. 

Kirishima and Izuku were now sitting on the couch in an awkward silence, atleast that's what Eijiro thought it was. Izuku didn't mind the silence, the tv was playing at a low volume making the room not completely silent. 

Kirishima decided that he should atleast give Izuku a chance, he didn't know anything about Izuku. But he knew that he made his bestfriend happy, so he should atleast try for Katsuki. 

"So.. um how'd you meet Bakubro?" Kirishima asked turning to Izuku.  

"Hmm.. Well me and Kat were childhood friends. I guess we've known eachother our whole lives. But we kinda of driffted apart in middle school." Izuku paused thinking about the numerous times katsuki and his friends would beat the shit out of him. 

 The days when he'd walk in to school and the whole class would laugh and pick on him. The numbness he felt where ever he went, then he'd go home and pretend none of it happend so he wouldn't make his poor over worked mother worry about him. Then the feeling of pure rage and anger he felt for his teachers that just acted like they didn't see anything or would join in with their idiotic students. And the feeling of betrayal for his bestfriend, someone that he cared about so much. Told him his whole existence was meaningless, useless no one wanted him and that he should just go die.  

'No one would notice you gone, Auntie would be happy she doesn't have to waste her money on taking care of you anymore.' 

Izuku couldn't say all that to Katsuki's bestfriend at least not yet so he decided on leaving that part out. 

"We uh.. met again during one of his patrols, and we exchanged numbers and now we're here." Izuku said giving Eijiro a smile. 

"So childhood friends gone lovers, Mina's gonna love this story." Eijiro smiles. 

"Hero Pinky? That's your wife if I'm correct." Izuku questions already knowing the answer. 

"Yep, that's my lovely soon to be wife." Kirishima answers. 

"I'm guessing things are going well for you two." Izuku says giving into the small conversation. 

Kirishima answers with a nod and a goofy smile before the two are interupted by the front door ringing.  

"I'll get the door Kacchan!" Izuku yells to Katsuki in the kitchen before getting up from the couch heading to the front door. 

He bends down sticking his head out of the door to be greeted by a few well known heros. One with blond hair that looked way to excited for no reason, his arm was wrapped around a much taller under ground hero that looked like he eagerly needed sleep or many cups of coffee. Behind the two was a very pink hero that didn't look too happy to see Izuku. 

"Ah, You must be Kat's friends. Come in." Izuku says stepping aside to let them in. 

"Woah your tall dude." Kaminari says looking up at Izuku. Kaminari was the shortest out of the boys in the group so Izuku was really towering over him. 

"I thought you were tall Toshi, but god damn he's tall." Kaminari comments looking back at his boyfriend and Izuku. Shinso had also grown a lot sense highschool but Izuku beat Shinso just by a few centimeters. 

"Thank you." Izuku chuckled. 

"I'm Denki Kaminari, and this is Shinso Hitoshi. Nice to meet ya." Denki excitdly greeted Izuku putting his hand out for a hand shake. 

"Ah, heros Chargebolt and Brainwash Nice to meet you two. I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku greeted shaking the twos hands, before noticing Mina struggling to hold two heavy bags behind the couple. 

"Hero Pinky let me help you with those bags." Izuku says trying to grab the seven eleven beer bags from Mina's arms. 

"No need." Mina says subtly glaring at Izuku.  

"No I insist. I can bring them to the fridge plus Kacchans in the kitchen so I'll tell him that you're here. You can go sit by your husband." Mina pauses hearing the nickname Izuku gave Katsuki, giving Izuku just enough time to swiftly take both bags leaving to the Kitchen. 


This chapter was just filler and extreamly hard to write because I had no motivation. 

Word count(1248)

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