°•{~Chapter 14~}•°

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Third POV 

It's been weeks... No maybe months? Or has it only been a few days? Katsuki didn't know any more. He's been stuck in what he assumes to be a basement due to there being no windows and harsh lights that light the room. Every day was filled with creeping anxiety and stress, scaring him shitless for every moment Izuku might come into the blank room. 

Katsuki would stay awake as much as possible, not wanting his body to be left in a vulnerable state, but as hard as he tried, nothing changed. Izuku would violate him and relentlessly slam into his body till he'd pass out unconscious. Katsuki would wake up in a new outfit and completely clean from Izuku washing him every time Katsuki would pass out. Pain would follow along with how terrified he was by what could have happened while he was passed out. Till he'd be interrupted by Izuku walking into the room with a tray of food. 

Each and every time, Izuku would leave the room upset and a plate of curry or some other dish left at the foot of the bed. Katsuki didn't eat due to the lingering thought of it being drugged, he just couldn't trust it. As much as he wanted to trust Izuku, he just couldn't. Wait trust Izuku? Nope, that went out the window days ago, now he spent each waking moment terrified of what the greenette would do next. 

After a while Katsuki had to give in, he was losing a lot of muscle, and it felt like his body was eating away at its self. He'd pass out a lot faster when Izuku would use his body like a cock sleeve. At that point it'd be pointless if the food was drugged, his body was so weak it wouldn't make any difference if it was drugged or not. Either way, he still couldn't fight back as much as he did before. So he gave in letting Izuku feed him a little food when he'd wake up from his unconscious state, if the food was drugged at least he was getting in some nutrients. 

Izuku was over the moon when Katsuki finally decided to eat. Izuku would sit near the trembling now skinner blonde and spoon-feed him curry, but only a little due to Katsuki not eating for a while he couldn't digest food in large quantities. He'd give Katsuki about half of the small bowl and a drink of water with some 'painkillers' before leaving the blonde that would evidently nod off to sleep no matter how hard he tried to keep his eyes opened. 

After Katsuki began to eat, Izuku would come to visit Katsuki more and not just for sex, but instead to cuddle or to talk to the blonde. Of course, cuddling with Katsuki was a struggle due to his lost trust in the greenette. He'd tremble like a leaf in Izuku's arms trying to push away from Izuku while tears would paint his face begging Izuku not to go any further and touch him. But the begging did nothing for Izuku. It'd usually end with Izuku yelling at the horrified blonde, and would either lead to Izuku holding on to Katsuki running fingers through his hair, or Izuku would get horny from Katsuki's teary face and end with Katsuki even more afraid of Izuku. 

Katsuki learned what Izuku's turn on was and began to stop struggling as much when Izuku would come to lay in bed with him. He tried his best to stop his trembling and try to calm his speeding heart. It didn't always work, but at least it was something. 

Izuku took a liking to this of course, happy that his Kacchan was finally beginning to behave. So Izuku spent more time with Katsuki, happily enjoying his time with Katsuki even if the blonde wasn't speaking as much. 


Today was another 'normal day'. Izuku was going to stop by Katsuki's room, where he'd been spending most of his free time. Izuku had already gone down to the room before that day to bring Katsuki food and toy with him a little. He placed the shaky blonde on his lap while feeding him and would grind on his ass every so often. He got a kick out of watching Katsuki's body tense every time he did. 

Izuku was now going down to the room again just to enjoy some time with his love. He walked out of the elevator he was currently in to make his way down to the basement. He walked past the many cells with people basically half alive before ending at the other half of the hall with doors lining the narrow space. Furthermore, he opened the door at the very end of the hall, making a loud click from the lock before revealing him self to the blonde in the room. 

Katsuki pastes a small warm smile on his face to appease to Izuku, while his eyes on the other hand showed his true emotion. Fear. Izuku stepped in the room, locking the door behind him. 

"Did you have a nice nap, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, standing at the end of the bed. Katsuki answered with a small nod, looking up at Izuku with timid eyes. He didn't know what Izuku came here for, but he wasn't too happy to see him. 

Katsuki's timid answer caused a smile to appear on Izuku's face before he grabbed Katsuki's ankle, yanking him down from his corner to the middle of the bed. Izuku loved yanking Katsuki down from the corner, he loved the way Katsuki's breath hitched and his eyes that would widen in fear. 

"Kacchan~ You gotta use your beautiful voice." Izuku cooed. 

"I-I s-slept fine." Katsuki answered, holding onto the blanket in his one free hand for dear life, as it was the only barrier between him and Izuku. 

"Hmm that's good." Izuku hummed before pinning himself above Katsuki. He watched as Katsuki held his breath, fear clear in his eyes as the smile that was fading on the blondes face completely dropped. Izuku smiled at the 'beautiful' sight. 

"I'm not gonna do anything, Kacchan. I just wanna spend time with you." Izuku said, plopping down on the blonde, wrapping his arm protectively around Katsuki's waist. Katsuki nodded in response, allowing Izuku to turn him on his side. 

Katsuki wasn't all too comfortable. Maybe it had to do with the one arm being stuck above his head because of the cuff keeping it there, or maybe it's because of how afraid he was of Izuku laying right behind him. Katsuki was the little spoon while Izuku was the big spoon. Katsuki shut his eyes tight, trying to focus on calming his heart rate, while he felt Izuku breathing down his neck and Izuku's hand running through his hair. 

Izuku was kinda getting bored laying in bed with Katsuki, so he decided to spice things up a bit. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Katsuki's neck and began leaving love bite trails along Katsuki's neck. 

Katsuki's eyes shot open, his breath hitching for another time that day. Katsuki tried to get himself to remain calm, Izuku has done this before, and it didn't always lead to him raping Katsuki. He did his best to remain calm, that was until he felt Izuku's arm snake around to his boxers before his hand gripped around Katsuki's clothed dick. 

Katsuki's whole being violently trembled while tears raced down his face, each tear being faster and bigger than the other. He couldn't handle this any more, the overwhelming anxiety of Izuku raping him was there every night. The hopless efforts to give at least a small chance for Izuku not to touch him all went to waste every single time. Now he was cracking, he couldn't keep it up any more. 

"I-Izu-izuku plea-please I-I ju-just wan-na g-go ho-home." Katsuki's voiced trembled more than anyone thought was possible. Izuku paused hearing Katsuki's voice, it was different than any other time before.  

When Katsuki would beg to Izuku, he didn't like a certain sound in his voice. It was always too needy for his liking. Like, Katsuki still had some hope that some knight in shining armour would show up and save him. But now it was different Katsuki didn't sound as desperate, as vulnerable, or hurt. Instead, his voice was empty like there was no hope that this was going to end, like this would be his end less broken record. 

For once, Izuku felt a little bad. 


I'm gonna stop here, I feel like these chapters are getting really short, I hope it's not a problem. This chapter could have been extremely long, but I didn't really know where to end it and continue in the next chapter, so I hope the ending of this chapter isn't too shitty.  

Word count(1494)

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