°•{~Chapter 9~}•°

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Third POV 

"W-What..?" Katsuki asked disbelief evident on his face that Izuku would ask him to do such a thing. He was hoping Izuku was joking but when he turned to look at him his face showed he was completely serious. 

"B-But... Izuku I swear they're good people, I know what Mina said was wrong but i-if you just l-let her warm up to you she'll—" Katsuki tried to explain. 

"Nice people?" Izuku scoffed. "Yeah they seemed real nice when they just sat around letting Mina treat me like shit all day." Izuku said sarcasticly. 


"Yeah sure maybe Kirishima did something by taking that bitch away, but he didn't even apologize on her behalf. No one did, not even you!" Izuku said now staring down at Katsuki, irritation clear in his voice. 

"Izuku please don't do this..." Katsuki pleaded. 

"Don't do what Katsuki. I'm the fucking Bad guy now cause I don't want to sit around and let you turn this into Middle School again." Izuku retorted as his anger began to pick up. 

"This time the people that are supposed to 'tourment' me and 'beat' the living shit out of me are people who's whole job is to protect people?" Izuku said laughing dryly before getting up from the spot on the bed. 

"Izuku that's not what I'm trying to do. I really promise they are nice especially Mina,  just please give her a chance to warm up to you." Katsuki said tears pricking his eyes from frustration. 

"Warm up to me Kat? That's what I hoped would happen all middle school. I hoped every day that I'd be able to do something to make you like me again. It never fucking worked." Izuku deadpanned. 

"No. I'm here now aren't I it did work Izuku. And- and I spent each day thinking about you while you were gone." Katsuki said with the tears that filled his eyes began to slip down his face. 

"So what? I've gotta go fucking disapear for them to like me? That's just fucking peachy." Izuku rolled his eyes laughing before getting off the bed, heading to the bedroom door. 

"You know what." Izuku scoffed. "I'm fucking done with this." Izuku said gesturing between him and Katsuki. 

"I'm done with you turning me into the fucking  villain." Izuku sighed turning the door nob to the bedroom. 

"I need a break from you. Don't try to call me. If I even decide I want to see you again, I'll find you Bakugo." He said now leaving the teary filled blonde in the bed alone. 

Katsuki curled up into a ball, his knees tucked closely to his chest as choked sobs escaped him. His body shaking from how hard he was crying, he didn't mean for this to happen. All Katsuki wanted was for his boyfriend and friends to get along just and accept Izuku, but he just couldn't have that, he just couldn't have the luck for everything to go his way. He got Izuku back and now he's gone, all he had to do was not be so selfish and Izuku would be here laying in bed with him. 


𝐌𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬Where stories live. Discover now