💝Chapter 12💝

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Magnus woke up soon because of the loss of warmth.. The bed looks empty.. He knew it could happen, he saw the room which is neat and good, he thought alec cleaned everything before he left…he chuckled but something is bothering him.. He felt heavy hearted.. He sat there in a bed staring out the window..…it's Sunday but still the street looks busy.. He found a button on the bed, he knows this is the one that flew from Alec's shirt last night … He took it in his hand and held it tight. … 


He stormed into the house searching for his mom… he found her in the kitchen.. 

Alec :Mom!!! (he said nervously yet confusingly ) 

Maryse :alec!!! Welcome home sweetheart… (she hugged him) why are you so tense and you said you will come tomorrow!!.

 Alec :he called early in the morning and said it's and emergency… he said 

Before he could complete Robert came to the kitchen while clearing his throat.. 

Robert :Can we talk alec?? 

Maryse :He just came!!!(she said but Robert wouldn't seems to be  listening her) 

Alec :yeah!!! (he hugged his mom again and whispered) I will be back 

Once he entered Robert's room his guards closed the door behind.. Alec rolled his eyes with a disgusting look on his face.. But to mention he always give that face to Robert 

Alec :What is an emergency?? That you called me early in the morning and asked me to come soon…? (alec asked Robert coldly) 

Robert :You said you are gonna take charge of our new  branch on Monday… So I  called you today… (he said pouring a glass of drink) 

Alec : It's Sunday today… I am not running away from responsibilities… can't you give me one day to live my life… 

Robert :hooo… Alec… I gave you 1 year to live your life 

Alec :you did it for your good not mine.. Since I was a kid.. I did what you said.. Starting from my studies to my career… you used me like your puppet… I didn't do anything for me.. I asked this one day.. 

Robert :I know why you asked… where did you disappeared from the club last night… (he asked raising his eyebrows) 

Alec :Did you just spy on me…??? Seriously?? (he asked in total disbelief) 

Robert :no!! I didn't.. One of my business partners saw you there.. He let me know… that's all 

Alec rolled his eyes on Robert… 

Robert :don't do that… you are taking charge of our new branch tomorrow and you are gonna marry Lydia Branwell in a few days …

Alec :wait… I am not refusing to  working as a slave for  you.. Because you got your checkpoint on me but I can't marry Lydia.. I am gay… and you know that.. (he lashed out) 

Robert :shut up alec!!! I know you are faggot (he said and immediately regret once he saw alec's fuming face) 

Alec:mind your language… say that again!! … I don't think twice.. (he said clenching his teeth) 

Robert :I won't allow you to go after a man… Me and Branwell we made a deal . So you have to do this… (he stammered his words) 

Alec chukled with a sarcastic smile… 

Alec :Try me.!!!(he walked close to Robert) It's not your place to make a decision about my life.. I did enough for you… (he said about to leave) 

Robert :being gay is not a pride alec … you have to hide it from the society at some point, especially in this business world… 

Alec :Of course it is a pride!! (he smiled wide) if I want to succeed in my life only by hiding my sexuality and I have to live a fake life for it ..then I don't want that success… I want to be who I am.. And I am happy about that… 

Robert :aren't you ashamed of yourself..?? 

Alec :why?? Like the way you love women, I am attracted to men.. What is the problem in that … why are you always thinking about sex life when someone says I am gay … there is more then that.. There is love.. If you can't see that, Then close your eyes and shut your mouth… (he looks around and checks anyone hearing them ) well!!!! You like fucking unknown women on the dark corridors every night … aren't you ashamed of that?? … 

Robert :ALEC !!! (he shouted but alec raised his hand to mute him) 

Alec :At least I am being honest to myself!!I am not marrying Lydia.. That's final.. (he said and finally walked away) 

Robert :I am capable of making you to do that.. (he shouted) 

But alec waved his hand in return and shut the door behind him with thud sound 


It's almost noon but he is still sitting in the same place without moving an inch from there…in the meantime  raphael knocks on his door so many times.. By asking him to eat breakfast or lunch but he refuses to go, he shouted from the room that he is not hungry ….

Raphael :come on magnus you haven't eaten anything since morning…what happened to you?? 

Magnus :I am not hungry.. I am fine.. You go with Simon… 

Raphael :Simon went back to his hometown… his internships Was over, (he gave a pause and continued) so do alec…. Simon will be back in a month… he will join our company… 

Nothing getting into Magnus' head other than one information… that Alec's internship was over and he went back to his hometown and he will never come back…. 

Magnus :hoooo.. (that's all he can reply..) 

Raphael ask him for some more time, he can see magnus being stubborn so he left 

Throughout the day… He checks his mobile more often for no reason.. He tried to text alec but then he remembered alec saying it as a one time kinda thing.. So he didn't want to disturb him… He drifted into sleep by falling on the pillow which still smelled like alec.. He slept throughout the day and woke up in the evening,he took a cold shower, he dressed casually and took a walk to a nearby restaurant… he  ordered some food, he ate it  and went straight back to bed again….


Alec finally gets back to his room after a long day of headache…. When he sat on the bed he felt a pleasant soreness.. He smiled and  remembered the night with magnus… "I am sorry magnus, I thought to cuddle with you more but it's my fate" he said to himself while rubbing his forehead.. He checks his phone.. "how could you call or text… when I left you alone in the empty bed.. God!!!! what would he think about me.. He will definitely think that I hit on him only for sex" he cursed himself… 

He tried to text magnus.. 

Alec texts to magnus :

-Hey magnus (*******deleted) come on don't be formal.. He said shaking his head 

-can we talk (****deleted) talk????what to talk?? No…. God!! I am a mess 

-I want to meet you (****deleted)stupid alec!! How will you go??? (he blabbered) 

He thought for a second.. 

-good night magnus  (******deleted) shit!!!! It's around 11 pm he must be slept (he cursed himself) 

He threw his phone on the bed and buried his head on the pillow. All he remembered was Magnus' laugh, his blushing face, his sarcasm, his kindness, his warm hands and soft lips.. His gentle love.. He recall the moment for some times and  slept without texting Anything… meanwhile magnus woke up in middle of night and checked his phone for a text but nothing is there, so he slept again… the wave of loneliness consumed him again… 💖TBC 💖 

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