new trainee.

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uptop is the outfit that na-bi is wearing in this chapter. if you don't like it, please just imagine something else.

!disclaimer! i will not be using honorifics in this, as i'm fairly new to Korean and don't want to misuse them! i hope you guys can understand. lowercase intended btw! - xoxo, author

language key
italicise : english
normal : korean

。・゚゚ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐄 ・゚゚。

(chan's pov) btw this is 2013 when na-bi first started training!

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(chan's pov) btw this is 2013 when na-bi first started training!

    "chan! did you hear the news?" i hear one of my friends, youngk yells. he wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts walking with me to the cafeteria. 

   "what news? is it something bad?" i ask in return. he shakes his head as we enter the room, and we find a seat.

   "apparently, there's a new girl trainee who's 13 and is super good. i think she's Australian too." i look up at him when he mentions her being Australian, and i start to wonder what she's like.

   "is she here now?" i question. he nods his head and starts to talk, but i cut him off.
"yeah she i-" 

   "what room?" i start to get up, i like to meet all aussie trainees anyway, so might as well meet her.

   "i think the dance room-? hey, where are you going?!" 

   i exit the cafeteria and start heading towards the dance room on the second floor. i wonder what she's like. i run up the stairs and head down the hall, knocking on the dance room door. i hear music stop playing, footsteps run to the door, and the doorknob turns.

  "hi! are you the new trainee?" i ask, bowing slightly. she nods and invites me in, and i accept.

   "hello, i'm bangchan and i'm 16 years old, nice to meet you! I've been a trainee here for three years." i say, hoping for her to introduce herself in return.

   "hello bangchan, i'm hwang na-bi and i'm 13 years old, nice to meet you too. I've been a trainee here for one week." she bows and asks what i'm doing here. the first thing i notice about her is how tall she is. she seems to be about 5'6' or 5'7' which is crazy since she's so young.

   "i came here looking for you because i heard that you were crazy good and you were Australian. am i wrong?" oh god it's so awkward here..  i think to myself.

   "no you aren't wrong, i am Australian. are you-?" she asks, i can hear the nervousness in her voice.

   "yeah i am! glad to finally have another aussie here! would you mind showing me what you were working on before i came in?"

 "oh yeah, sure." she walks over to her phone and presses the play button, starting the music. she starts dancing, and she's really good. her moves are fluid, her facial expressions match the song perfectly, and she hooks you on every move. 

   the song finishes and na-bi stands there, regaining her breath. she bows before speaking again, respecting her elders. (a.n. ;) elder chan am i right?) i clap for her and cheer, stunned by her skills at such a young age. i invite her to go eat lunch with me, and she says yes. while walking down, they talk about how they entered jyp. i said how i passed a local audition in australia, and na-bi said she was scouted at her dance center. she auditioned and is now a trainee. 

   *time skip* no one's pov

   ever since chan met na-bi, he knew they were going to be friends. their conversations flowed along effortlessly and they were so alike. chan was definitely the extrovert out of the two of them. na-bi isn't really shy, she just doesn't like putting effort into small talk. she does get really nervous though, and chan sees her hands and legs shake a lot.  chan had introduced na-bi to a lot of his friends, and not long after that, they became best friends. na-bi learned that chan liked to produce songs, and na-bi likes to write lyrics. they constantly made demo songs together and learned more about each other.

   one day, they were in the recording room. chan was making the track while na-bi thought of lyrics. chan had been noticing her get nervous and fidgety whenever she talked to people other than him, so he decided to ask about it.

   "hey, na-bi. i have a question," he said hesitantly. na-bi looked up and hummed in response. "why do you get so nervous when you talk to my friends?"

   na-bi gulped. she had hoped chan wouldn't notice, but he's so observant. she started fidgeting with her hoodie sleeves. "um.. well- a few years ago, my mom noticed i was having trouble talking to people and getting panic attacks a lot. so, she took me to one of those mental doctors and stuff, they diagnosed me with two kinds of anxiety, social and general anxiety disorder. i guess now, it's just getting worse. i have panic attacks a lot, so normally i call my best friend in australia. she helps a lot, but sometimes it just doesn't work."

   chan sat there in disbelief. he couldn't believe he let his best friend suffer in silence for so long. he wasn't exactly sure how to respond. should he comfort her, tell her it was okay? or should he just sit there and nod? he decided on just hugging her.

   he stood up and walked over to her, opening up his arms and looking in her blue-green eyes. she slowly stood up and melted into his touch. it was a nice hug that lasted for a while, and na-bi felt safe and calm. na-bi sighed, sitting back down. "thank you, chan. don't blame yourself by the way, i know what you were thinking." she glanced at the boy, making sure he wasn't crying or anything. he was almost back in his own little producing world, and so was she. 

   after they finished, they decided to get some food then go home. since na-bi's dorm was closest, they went there. all the other trainees were asleep, so they ate in the main room. they had been talking about random nonsense for a while, and na-bi was getting tired. her eyes were getting heavy as she was eating the food, and chan took notice.

   after chan was finished eating, he looked back over at the tall girl. she was leaned back on the couch and was sleeping peacefully. he had been to their dorms a few times, so he knew what room she was in. he cleaned up their food and put his jacket around na-bi, picked her up and carried her to her bed. 

   "goodnight na-bi."

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