chan's room, vlive.

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。・゚゚ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌, 𝐕𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 ・゚゚。

"channie! hi, are you busy right now?" na-bi said on the phone to the elder

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"channie! hi, are you busy right now?" na-bi said on the phone to the elder.

"uhm, i'm on vlive right now, but other than that, nope." chan responded. 

"great, awesome! do you want any food? i'm at mcdonalds."

chan laughed at the younger's antics, "sure, I'll just get some fries. I'll pay you back i swear!"

"no need, i got this. anyways, mind if i join you on the vlive today?" 

"i don't mind, i'm in my studio like always, hurry!"

"alright, i'm on my way, see you when i get there chan." she hung up the phone after chan said goodbye, getting her food and driving back to the company building. she gathers her things and walks towards the door, getting stopped by a stranger.

"excuse me-? are you na-bi from stray kids?" a girl that looks to be about 14 stands beside na-bi, significantly shorter than her.

"uh- yeah, i am. hello." na-bi quickly says, wondering how someone got so close to the building without getting checked by staff. 

"oh my god, can i get a picture with you by any chance?"  the girl looks ecstatic, and steps towards na-bi to get her in the frame. na-bi does a simple v sign and smiles, bowing to the girl after the picture was taken.

"please get home safe, it's dark out here. you're really pretty, by the way, i hope to see you again. bye!" na-bi says, hurrying inside before chan starts to worry, she waves as the door closes, happy that she could meet a fan.

she presses the button on the elevator and a girl hops in with her. "ah- hello!" the female says, bowing. 

"hello, i'm na-bi. what floor?" she says 3 and na-bi presses the button.

"i'm lily, nice to meet you! i'm a trainee here!" lily says with a smile on her face. 

"how long have you been training here?" 

"since may of 2015! I've seen you around the company before but i was too scared to go and talk to you, you were always with chan or in a hurry to get somewhere!" the girl says, rambling.

na-bi smiles at the younger's behavior, it was good to see such a friendly trainee. "well you're talking to me now, how about we exchange numbers?" na-bi suggests, raising her eyebrows.

lily nods and pulls out her phone, handing it to the older, and na-bi does the same. na-bi puts in her number and hands it back to lily. the elevator reaches lily's floor and she leaves, quickly saying goodbye. na-bi goes up one more floor to where chan is.

she knocks on the door before opening it slightly, mcdonalds bag in hand. chan opens the door and na-bi walks in, saying hello to stay. she takes a look at the comments and laughs.


ew, she's so ugly


"hello stay! it's currently way past chan's bedtime but I'll let this one slide because you guys want the leader duo content. here it is!" na-bi says, hugging chan. the vlive goes on for about an hour and stays enjoyed it. na-bi knows how tired chan must be so they end it. 

"bye bye stay, i hope you had a fun time. drink your water, get some sleep, eat something good, and take care of yourselves, byeee!" na-bi says, blowing kisses at the screen. 

"alright chan, you need sleep now, i will not take no for an answer, you're coming with me back to the dorms and you're gonna go to sleep. i bought some sleep medicine because i know you ran out, so here ya go! anyway, i'm tired as shit so let's go!" na-bi drag chan along with her once he had all his stuff together, shoving him in the passenger seat of his car.

once they got back home, na-bi got changed in the bathroom, then chan. na-bi laid in bed and checked her phone, seeing a random number had texted her.

hi, this is lily! 
(the trainee from the 

na-bi unnie
hey lily! did you
make it home safe?

daughter i have to protect
i did! i saw you on
vlive with chan, it 
was hilarious!

na-bi unnie
ah, i'm glad you 
enjoyed it! i gotta make 
sure the boys get some sleep,
I'll talk to you soon!
eat and drink something, 
bye lily! :3

daughter i have to protect
you get some sleep too,
unnie! bye! :>

"na-bi! you're home!" hyunjin said, literally jumping on her in her bed. 

"ack! hyunjin, you brat get off me!" na-bi said, punching hyunjin.

"no, it's comfy here. you're not a very nice mattress, though."

"boy i'm about to punch the shit out of you."

hyunjin gets up and runs to his room, closing the door behind him.

"make sure you go to bed, hyunjin!" 

she walks into the kitchen where minho and chan are, talking to each other about their schedules tomorrow. 

"damn, y'all are boring. sitting on the counter talking about work, such parent moves. mother minho and father chan, correct? correct. chan, did you take the medicine i gave you?"  he nods and pats her on the shoulder, laughing in his head about how much she takes care of them even though she's younger.

"anyway, i'm going to bed, goodnight hyungs! sleep well!"

"anyway, i'm going to bed, goodnight hyungs! sleep well!"

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950 words


hello hello! i hope you all like it so far, it's probably cringe. if you have any suggestions, please comment them!

anyway, drink your water, eat your food, get some sleep, take care of yourselves! ily mwah mwah :3 

don't be a silent reader! vote and comment :>

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