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。・゚゚ 𝐃𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐓 ・゚゚。

。・゚゚ 𝐃𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐓 ・゚゚。

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na-bi pov

today is it. we debut today. obviously, i'm nervous, anyone would be. i practiced basically all night, i know a few of the boys did too. i made sure they all went to sleep before i went to bed, but i don't think a lot of us could sleep well. it's 5 a.m. right now, and i wake up to minho shaking me.

"hey, c'mon, time to get up." he whispered. we didn't really have to get all fancy about what we're wearing, since we'll just have to change when we get backstage. i sit up and rub my eyes, trying my best to wake myself up more. i share a room with chan and minho, they wanted me in here to "protect me" from the younger members.

chan is already awake and getting something to eat when i go into the kitchen, and i see hyunjin, changbin, and seungmin sitting on the couch talking. half-awake, i go sit next to hyunjin. all of them look at me and say good morning before going back to their own conversations.

"hey, did you sleep well? you practiced forever last night." hyunjin says, scooting closer to me. i nod because i'm way too sleepy to answer him. i rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, thinking about what today might have in store. i feel excited, i was a trainee for so long and i finally can debut, chan as well.

*timeskip because ya bitch is lazy* backstage

i sit in the chair as stylists do my makeup and hair. i'm excited, nervous, all of the above. i don't want to let my members down, and i want to be perfect. felix, who is finished with his hair and makeup comes over to me and gives me a hug from behind, and i put my hands on his arms. felix and i have gotten pretty close recently, mostly because we like a lot of the same things.

"are you excited, felix?" i ask, trying to distract myself from my anxiety.

"i am! i just hope i don't make any mistakes out there. i also hope people like our performance, but you know, i can't control that part." he rambles, tapping his fingers on my shoulders. "what about you noona?"

"i'm also excited, i'm more worried about the other members though. i know a lot of them are nervous. i practiced a lot last night so i hope i don't make any mistakes." i explain, hoping he understands. he nods and the stylists move onto my hair, making felix sit in the chair across from me. he plays a video on his phone which sounds like our song, and i ask him about it.

"what are you watching, lix?" he shows his phone to me and it shows a practice we had.

"i'm looking at our practice to see any mistakes, i don't wanna mess up."

chan comes over to us after he gets his hair and makeup done and literally sits on top of felix. he doesn't seem to mind though, and he just wraps his arms around chan's waist.

"the aussie line together before debut, what a coincidence." we all laugh at that and i glance in the mirror to my left. i see the stylists straightening my hair and i sigh, i wanted to have my hair natural, but i guess not. they finish my hair and i stand up, stretching out my body.

i walk over to an empty space and run through the choreography, and we get a 10 minute heads-up. all of the members are ready now and we walk towards the stage. the staff give us our mics and we test them before heading onto the stage.

we all wave and get into our positions, waiting for the music to start.

*blah blah blah performance*

we finish the song and i'm happy, i didn't make any mistakes. there's a lot of people in the crowd, and we get the "okay" signal from the staff. we take out our earpieces and wave again at everybody, making hearts at them before we get called backstage.

we go out to eat and everyone agrees that we did well. we have a few days to rest then we have to perform back to back. we all laugh and have a good time, proud that we finally made our debut.


also there's an internet problem so i have no idea when i can update next :(

not proofread

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