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^ what na-bi is wearing this chapter. also 100 reads already goddamn- hugyftyg finally i get to write some fluff with channnn

。・゚゚ 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 ・゚゚。

。・゚゚ 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 ・゚゚。

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  (na-bi's pov) 2017

    chan and i have been best friends for four years. I've seen how hard he works, pushing towards his debut, although it never happened. that was until now. 

   chan wanted to talk to me for some reason, so i went where he texted me. it was a small café just outside of the company, and i was getting more anxious by the second. i walked into the doors and saw chan sitting at a table with two other boys.

   "chan, please don't tell me you're setting me up on a date," i said jokingly, hugging chan. he laughed and pulled out the chair for me, and i sat down. the two boys were sitting across from us, one looked happy, the other looked a bit scary. i started playing with my fingers out of nervousness and chan finally started talking.

   "na-bi, this is changbin and jisung. guys, this is na-bi. she's 17. now, na-bi, recently JYP called me into his office to offer me something. he asked if i wanted to make my own group and go on a survival show." i gasped, happy that chan could finally have a chance to debut.

   "one more thing," he interrupted. "i was wondering if you wanted to be in the group, as the only female member?"

   me? a member of a boys group? what about all of the problems that would happen? all the hate? what if the members don't like me? "but what if-"

   i feel a hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts. i look at chan, a confused look on my face. "na-bi, you're so strong, don't worry about the hate. you fit the concept perfectly, you're super talented, and you're good at rapping, dancing, and singing. you're an ace. please, think about it."

   i look up at the other two boys and see a look of eagerness on their faces. i looked over at chan and could tell how much he wanted me in this group. "if one of the other members that you choose doesn't like it, i won't do it, okay?" 

   he nods eagerly and hugs me, thanking me. the other two boys smile at each other. "na-bi, we're so excited to work with you! i hope we get along well!" jisung says. we finally order a drink and some food, i get milk tea boba with a chocolate croissant. 

   "how long have you guys been trainees?" i ask. i learn that jisung has been a trainee for two years, and changbin has been a trainee for 1 year. 

   "how long have you been a trainee, na-bi?" i tell them that I've trained for four years, and they nod. it becomes awkward fast until we start talking about things we like. i don't talk much about my interests, but i listen to them intently. changbin talks about how much he likes food, and jisung talks about how much he likes to eat cheesecake.

   "chan, does JYP know you asked me to do this?" i wonder. he shakes his head no, and my eyes widen. i seriously don't know how he's gonna react. i mean, JYP is a serious person (and an ugly one), so i wouldn't be all that surprised if he says no. 

   "i uh- i actually have to go talk to him now. you should come with me na-bi." chan says, tapping my shoulder. i quickly say goodbye before chan drags me out of the store. 

  "chan- what-?!" he grabs my hand and starts running to the company building. "i forgot that the meeting is at 11 a.m. and it's 10:58 right now, so we gotta go. like- now" he says when he stops for a few seconds.

   we start running again after he says that. we eventually get to the building, walking in and going upstairs to JYP's office. we quickly catch our breath before heading inside. we greet him and he stands up, inviting us to sit down.

   "so chan, have you chosen your group yet?" JYP asks, literally staring into my soul. he shifts his gaze to chan. "yes i have, but there's one thing i need to ask you about." JYP hums in response, and chan looks at me. 

   "now i know this is rare in the industry, but uhm- this is na-bi, she's a super talented girl and fits our concept perfectly. she's been training ever since 2013, and she's an ace. i was wondering, can she could be in the boy group as the only female member?" 

   "na-bi," JYP starts, i look up from my hands to his eyes, "are you confident with being in chan's group? would you be fine with the constant hate and the rumors?" i glance over at chan without changing my expression. he's already looking at me, an expression of.. anticipation on his face. 

   "i am confident in my abilities to debut in chan's group. i'm fine with getting hate, it comes with the industry. i am aware that I'll stick out, and that people will criticize me more. i'm more than happy to work with chan and the others." i bow once i finish, sitting up straight.

   JYP looks the same as he did before, deadpan expression, old, etc. chan pats me on the back. i start bouncing my leg, waiting for an answer.

   "na-bi, since this is chan's group, and he chose you, i will put you in the survival show. if you fail to match the skill level of the boys, you will be eliminated and will have to debut in a girl group that's training right now. do you understand?" i nod and so does chan, and we both stand up and bow. he dismisses us and we both leave. we immediately hug when the door closes, ecstatic that he let me in. 

   "wow. uhm-" i mumble under my breath, starting to walk away from his office.

   "well i can't say i'm not surprised. he was so calm and quick to let this happen!" chan says loudly, probably loud enough for JYP to hear. chan and i make small talk on our way to the producing room. i can tell chan is tired just by looking at him. his posture is slouched, the hint of dark circles under his eyes, the hesitant movements says it all.

   "chan, when was the last time you slept?" i question, holding his shoulder to keep him from walking away. he looks at me in my eyes for the first time since we started walking here and hums in amusement almost.

   "ah na-bi, how is it you notice everything?" he chuckles to himself. i shrug and keep looking at him, expecting an answer. "fine, last time i slept... was probably 2 or 3 days ago at the most." my eyes widen slightly before i pull him to his dorm and drag him to his bed.

   "chan, please sleep for the love of god jihyo. (iykyk). you have enough shit done already, you put together the whole group, had a meeting with JYP, and a million other things. sleep."

   "I'll try, okay? don't blame me if i can't." i hum in acknowledgment, walking out of the door and turning the lights off as i do. i mumble a quick 'goodnight' before walking out. of the dorm completely.

yoyoyo sorry for all of the cringe in this story- anyways this book is just for fun so don't take it too seriously!

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yoyoyo sorry for all of the cringe in this story- anyways this book is just for fun so don't take it too seriously!

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