mother na-bi.

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this chapter is about situations of na-bi being the mother of the group! (sorry lee know-) not proofreadddd 

。・゚゚ 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀-𝐁𝐈 ・゚゚。

。・゚゚ 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀-𝐁𝐈 ・゚゚。

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one - miroh

when the group was practicing for miroh, chan and hyunjin had to do a flip, resulting in some temporary injuries. fans couldn't stop clipping na-bi being worried about them. 

hyunjin, changbin, and na-bi:

na-bi was helping felix when she heard a thud, then groaning. immediately, she turned to the sound and saw hyunjin lying on the floor and changbin holding his ear. she runs over to them and starts asking if they were okay. chan came soon after and went to hyunjin. na-bi was already holding changbin because he seemed to be in more pain. after changbin was checked on and joking around, she went to hyunjin and rubbed his back. miroh has some dangerous choreography and na-bi didn't want anyone to get hurt.

chan and na-bi:

chan had a backflip in the miroh choreography. na-bi knew how hard chan would practice, even if his wrists hurt. she saw him land on it a few times and knew he should stop for a bit. she watched him carefully to see any signs of pain. chan noticed her doing this, so he tried to hide it even more. eventually, he landed on his wrist so hard he couldn't hide all of the pain, but the other members didn't even pick up on anything. na-bi walked over to him and said he should take a break, but he refused. na-bi insisted on just stopping the backflip for a few minutes, and he finally listened. na-bi was super smiley after this, and chan couldn't help but laugh at the younger.

two - where is everyone?!

chan, na-bi, and jisung:

whenever chan leaves, either minho or na-bi are in charge. annnddd sometimes chan is busy with something else. na-bi is naturally observant so she tends to see things that chan doesn't. one time, they were out and chan was talking to one of the staff about what they were doing next, but na-bi felt like someone was missing. she quickly counted all the members and only got 7, she double-checked and got the same thing. she didn't want to panic the other members so she slipped through to get to chan. she whispered, "someone is missing, there's only 8 of us." he looked around and also only saw 8 members, internally panicking. he wandered off and started looking for the missing member. na-bi saw that jisung was the one missing and immediately started worrying more. she stayed with the group and listened to the staff, getting asked "where are chan and jisung??" she didn't answer them and made sure she saw everyone other than those two. eventually, chan texted her saying that he found jisung and was headed back. na-bi let the group and staff know, and everyone was relieved.

three - bad hosts

changbin and na-bi:

one time when the group was filming idol room (i think??), changbin called himself the visual. the hosts were rude about it and said mean things, hinting he was ugly. na-bi was not having this and literally death-glared them. once they noticed they pointed it out and she didn't stop until chan patted her back. she then walked over to changbin and put her arm on his shoulder, smiling at him. this made him feel better and he was back to his normal mood. 

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