Dylan x Ryan x NB Reader ~ Triad pt 1 "Sailing"

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Polyamorous Ryan & Dylan requested by corpsebridemepls

Ryan & Dylan are dating each other & they are both into you. 

Key: Your POV, Dylan's POV, Ryan's POV

     I woke up my campers with our daily alarm, 7:00 sharp. It was time for our morning hike, my favorite part of the day. The campers lazily got out of their beds & got dressed, but once we were walking most of them woke up. We walked through the cabin circle, listening to Dylan's morning announcements.

"Today the cafeteria is serving- Hi Y/N!" Dylan yelled happily.

      I blushed & waved back as the campers in my group laughed & shouted for Dylan. We made our way on our hike through the forest, it was looking absolutely beautiful this morning. We hiked to my favorite spot, a little lookout from atop a hill. We stopped here & ate our breakfast. I found a praying mantis & taught the kids some cool facts. After a while of taking in the scenery, we decided it was time to head back.

"We can't miss going on the boats today, Y/N!" one of my campers, Ben, shouted excitedly.

"Oh we'll make it in time, don't you worry," I replied.

      We made our way towards the lake, Dylan's group was enjoying a day of swimming. Dylan & Ryan were chatting on the dock, Dylan still keeping a watchful eye on his campers. I was too far to hear them but I saw Ryan point at me. Dylan looked back & smiled before jumping into the lake with his campers. What could he possibly be doing? I let it slip my mind as we made it to the docks, my kids rushed down to Ryan. He caught Ben as he almost fell into the water.

"Whoa whoa, slow down guys. Everyone is going to have plenty of time to get out on the water. Today we're going canoeing!" Ryan shouted making the kids go crazy with excitement.

      We spent about fifteen minutes learning how to get in a canoe & work together to make it move. Ryan & I made sure everyone put on life jackets before they started getting in.

"Okay everyone, we're going to get in some practice time then we can go further down the lake to the island. That's where we're going to eat lunch, Y/N has all of your lunches packed."

"BURGERS!" Ben shouts, raising a small paddle in the air.

       Ben begins to tilt due to him now being top-heavy & Ryan catches him again & sits him down.

"Okay buddy, be safe. I'll go with Ben's canoe & Y/N can you lead our other group?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, of course."

        I hopped into the canoe to the right of Ryan. For a while, we practiced getting in sync. You know, for children they did pretty good. Ryan directed us down the lake, Ryan passed my group giving me a confused look. What? He was too far to yell to without annoying people so I let it go. 

"Dock here!" Ryan called out to me.

       It took us a while but my group managed to park at the island's dock. Park? I don't care. My campers grabbed their lunches & ran around to find places to sit & eat. Ryan jogged up to me.

"Y/N come here, let me show you something," he said while grabbing a paddle.

        He stepped behind me & handed me the paddle.

"Can I show you?"

"Yeah," I blushed a little.

       Ryan wrapped his arms around me & moved my hands to different positions on the paddle. He showed me how to paddle & pulled me a little closer to his chest. He let go & I stood there all flustered.

"You get it? No judgment at all you were just paddling all wonky."

       Y/N was frozen, they made an "mhm" sound & went off to eat with their campers. Considering they consented to the whole event it's more likely that they enjoyed it & got flustered than they hate it & were scared. I'll ask them after lunch. I walked over to eat with the campers. I sat opposite of where Y/N was sitting, maybe ten feet away. The kids all began talking to me as I ate my sandwich. Ben waddled up to me, covered in ketchup.

"Mr. Ryan, I put too much ketchup on my burger & it fell on me. I'm a burger now!" Ben yelled excitedly, "... I don't like being a burger. I wanna be a Ben again!"

"I'll help you, buddy," I laughed.

        I carefully lifted his shirt over his head. I set it aside & took off my overshirt. I helped  Ben put it on.

"Even better! I'm a Mr. Ryan now! Give me your hat, I'm in charge!"

"I'm going to regret this," I chuckled as I took off my hat, "Here you go, Ben."

       He's so sweet, Dylan is so lucky to have him as a partner. I watched him clean up Ben's shirt & shove it in his backpack. Ryan looked up at me again & nodded to the side. I hopped up & met him a bit away from the campers.

"Hey I just want to make sure I didn't make you uncomfortable back there- when I was showing you how to paddle," he scratched the back of his head.

"No! No, you didn't. It was very nice & informative," I reassured Ryan awkwardly.

"Ah, well I'm glad, I think we should get the campers back to the lodge. I have Ben's ketchup shirt in my bag & I am praying that it doesn't get on my stuff."

         I laughed in response to Ryan's statement.  We gathered the campers & got back into our canoes. Once we arrived back Ryan patted me on the shoulder & complimented my paddling. This was nice.

I wanna make this into a separate book, would you read it?

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