Jacob x Reader ~ Parent Trap

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Requested by Erigaur -> Jacob x Reader

"During the summer (so with the kids still at camp), the reader is teaching their group of kids about the wildlife or teaching them archery, and Jake was taking his group to the lake and runs into Y/N. He suggests putting both of the groups together while the kids are making a plan to try to put them together in the background."

I'm going to put my own little spin on this idea.

Key: Your POV, Jacob's POV

       Today is one of my favorite days of Hackett's Quarry summer camp, my group's nature hike. I love going out in nature, admiring the animals, playing in the lake, & drawing art of the scenery. I sat in the cafeteria eating some cereal at the staff table. Emma & Abi were talking about guys so I sort of tuned them out. Jacob slid into the seat next to me & started to eat his cereal.

"Hey Y/N, how is your morning?" he asked.

"Wonderful, the waking up part was rough but now I'm excited to go on my nature hike with the kids."

"Oh, you're doing a nature hike? I was planning on teaching my group archery! Maybe we should combine groups for the day?" Jacob asked excitedly.

"Sure, why not."

         After lunch ended Jacob & I got our groups together. We explained that we were all going to go on a nature hike & then go practice archery. The kids cheered & made friends between groups. My CIT Xavier & myself led the group while Jacob & his CIT made sure nobody got left behind. I talked about the various types of plants & animals as we walked by them.

          Y/N is so smart. I had never heard of most of the facts they told the kids. If anyone else was telling me these things I would probably forget all of it in five minutes. We held eye contact for a moment & I smiled. They smiled back at me as they continued their rant about [favorite thing in nature]. I could listen to them rant for years & still be happy. A kid sitting on the side of the path snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Ben, he was trying to eat pinecones. 

"Okay buddy, those aren't food," I explained as I picked him up.

            Ben laughed as I sat him on my shoulders.

"I'm the king of the world!" he yelled.

              Y/N laughed & gave me another smile. We arrived at the archery spot soon after & I set Ben down.

"No! My power! Not again! I'm melting," Ben shouted dramatically before falling down.

"Well, I will give you your own special powers. Ben powers. Now you can go rule the world!" I responded.

"What? Ben Powers! I am your God, fear me, mortals!" Ben shouted in his toddler voice as he ran to the others.

"That kid is a character," I laughed to myself.

               Jacob & I gathered all of the campers near the targets. Jacob explained Archery safety & demonstrated how to use the bow & arrow. His first shot hit the bullseye, why is this hot? All the kids excitedly formed a few lines & started shooting arrows in turns. Once all the kids were getting the hang of it Jacob sat by me.

"It's relaxing whenever the kids all go do something & we get to just lay down for five seconds. Ew, I sound like my dad," Jacob ranted.

"No, it's cute. It is nice to relax, we are practically parenting a couple hundred kids each day. Luckily you get all the campers tuckered out with infection tag before bed. My kids would be bouncing off the walls without your help."

"Well I'm glad to be of service Y/N," he bowed.

                  Jacob is stupidly cute. I noticed some kids staring at us & giggling. When I waved they laughed & looked away. Jacob didn't seem to notice them. Once the kids got tired of archery, we packed our things & brought them back to the docks. As we arrived Dylan was taking a stroll by himself. A couple of my campers ran up to him & hugged him. One whispered in his ear & he smiled. 

"What are you two plotting?" I asked.

"The end of the world as we know it, Ben will be our new king!" Dylan announced jokingly.

"RAAAAAAAAAH!" Ben... shouted?

                   I laughed & dismissed their secret chats. I did a count of my campers before letting them go for free time. I'm missing one. 

"I'm missing a camper," I stared blankly.

"What? We'll find them don't worry," Jacob replied.

"You guys go look, I can watch your campers," Dylan assured us, "I thought I saw a camper go to my radio shack, I thought they were from another group. Maybe they are from yours?"

"Thank you, Dylan!" I yelled as I ran off.

            Jacob caught up to me easily, I am not the fittest person in the world. I opened the door to the radio shack & the two of us stepped in. 

"There's no one here?" I spoke.

             The door slammed shut behind me & I jumped a little. Jacob pulled me into a hug & screamed. I laughed my ass off.

"Nothing happened! Y/N shut up! You were scared too!" Jacob yelled.

              I heard laughter outside. I tried to open the door but it was blocked from the outside. 

"No no no, Y/N! You & Jacob know why you're in here!" Dylan teased.

"Dylan! Ugh, there's no getting out of here," I sighed.

             I sat against the door & Jacob sat beside me.

"What have we both told Dylan?" Jacob asked, "he said we know why we're here. What have we both told him."

"I just told him basic stuff from my life back home, you probably know way more about me. I love Dylan we just haven't had enough time to chat."

"Let's see... I told him that I like sports, that I love peanut butter butter pops, &... oh-" Jacob got flustered.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing."

"Clearly it's something."

"Well it's just- if I tell you & I'm wrong it could make things awkward."

"We won't be awkward, Jacob. I'll be here no matter what."

"Okay," Jacob took a deep breath, "I told him that I like you, like... have a crush on you like you."

"Shit," I realized he was right.

"I'm sorry, I take it back. I-"

"I told him I like you too," I admitted.

"You did? You do? Y/N ohmygod you scared me! Can I hug you?" Jacob happy cried.

"Yes of course you big baby," I teased him.

       Jacob hugged my waist & rested his head on my chest. I gave him a little kiss on his cheek & he smiled. Thank you, Dylan. 

Skibonk. I like this one it's cute. Feel free to request more!

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