Max x NB Reader /sx ~A Fight?

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Requested by finnwolfhardsgf12, a date with Max /sx.

By /sx I just mean it gets heated, it's not actual smut.

Key: Your POV, Max's POV

"Why do I have to go to this dumb fancy dinner again?" I asked as I tied my tie.

"Because you need to make connections, I want you to achieve your dream career," Y/N insisted.

      I angrily tugged on my tie, why is Y/N so adamant that I get into a fancy college full of fancy assholes with their fucking  polos & cardigans & ascots. What the fuck is an ascot?! 

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked.

      My anger was showing. No, I'm not okay, I hate this. I hate that I have to get the approval of others & a stupid piece of paper to get a liveable job. I want to be able to make my partner happy & have food on the table but I can't because I didn't get accepted to god damn Landis University!

"Max?" Y/N interrupted my thoughts.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

       That was not in my head. They looked at me in shock. Shock turned to anger.

"I'm just trying to help you get a fucking job! You won't stop talking about engineering & how you would love to build cars! I'm sorry if I'm too much I just want you to be happy!" Y/N ranted loudly.

"You want me to be happy? All I need to be happy is you! I want to get a good job, I do. The fucking Landis shit is turning me into a grouch. You are my happy, I don't need a fancy college for that!" I don't know why I continued to yell.

         Y/N paused & stared at me.

"Y/N, I- I'm sorry-" I stammered.

           They pulled me into a kiss. It was perfect. Everything felt okay.

            I melted into the kiss, I forgot why we started yelling. Max pulled me deeper into our kiss, grabbing the back of my neck. He ran his hands through my hair, it always feels nicer when he does it. He slinked his arm around my waist & pulled it to his. After a moment, he pulled away & looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for yelling, I have a lot on my plate. It was wrong to yell & I should've communicated better," Max explained.

"It's okay, I love you so much."

"I love you more, darling."

So I didn't think that my asexuality would make it that hard to write smexy stuff (lmao I crack myself up at the stupidest shit) but uhhhhh... Hope that was good enough. Feel free to request more!

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