[Season 2] Chapter 25

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[Saving your Succesor in just one Slap, Tripitaka felt bad about it]

[Saving your Succesor in just one Slap, Tripitaka felt bad about it]

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"Okay aaaaalll the way to the right"


"Uh–a little bit more?"

"Bitch I'm gonna fall—"

"Don't worry I'll catch you!"

To See such Struggling Cicada, Tang Can't help but laugh at his Student. The urge to take a picture of her trying her best to reach the highest ceiling and put that Portrait Pigsy just Purchased. Donghai is too Kind and Offered to help him. So she grabbed the ladder in the Storage room and Climbed up.

Unfortunately the ladder is not high enough to reach the spot Pigsy wanted so Mei Barged in the shop and helped the poor Girl.

Rubbing her chin, Mei Climbed up the ladder making it shake. She grabbed the girl and easily Lifted her up on her shoulders  "how bout that?" Mei Grinned and Pigsy Who's Cooking some Noodles Freaked out seeing the two kids in one ladder like a pile of Jenga.

"You Kids Get down there! And Mei! Be careful you have Donghai on your Shoulders!"

"Aw Relax Piggy it's not like the first time We did this! Think of the Time I kept on carrying her in piggyback ride while getting Chased by Demons!"

"It's nothing like that!"

He Grumbled, and Donghai successfully Placed the portrait up the Wall. Cheering at the success the ladder waddled, Dropping His chopsticks the two adults freaked out and Jumped in action.

Catching Donghai Tang Beamed a smile but got Squashed by Mei's Dragonic Weight.



"Don't Die Teach! Mei's Weight may like a Boar but Don't Die!"

Slapping Donghai's Shoulder The girl laughed and Helped Tang up. "I'm fine! Didn't break a back or something" Fixing his glasses the two girls Pat's his Clothes Dusting away the Sands and dirt.

"You Kids should Really be careful."

"Yeah Mei stop Carrying me like your a Horse or something"

"You can't stop me doing it! I dunno feels like natural to carry you around or something"

Scratching her Head, Now that she thinks of it it felt like it's her Instinct to Carry Donghai and never drop her as if it's needed to be whenever they're going somewhere fun or dangerous.

At first Glance people would felt Uncomfortable seeing a small girl carrying another Kid For Hours as if she has never felt the Pain on her back and arms.

THE GOLDEN CICADA [Monkie Kid]Where stories live. Discover now