[Season 2] Chapter 29

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'Holy shit'

This Catacombs is far more Dangerous and utterly Redicilous to him. Traps everywhere, Some Demons and Even Secret passages that lucky him he didn't get lost or else.

Taking a deep breath, he took a step but a sudden click made him groan. Hearing the sound of Clacking the King immediately Raised his Arms and caught the falling Debris before it could Crush him.

"Damn Traps!"

He Shouted, eyes flaring out in annoyance and frustration. Not until his Visions Flickered to gold. "Bud! Wh- so you Figured out Astral projection huh!" He Chuckled nervously, arms shaking and his legs buckled up Tightly as he mustered his courage to lift the Debris up.

"Monkey king! Yes it worked! And I only got 5 nosebleeds!"

Mk Beamed a smile, Grinning at his Succesor he Yelped once he almost drop the huge Debris. "So how are you? How's your vacation?" Asking his Mentor Wukong Groaned.

"Nows not the time bud!"

"Oh-Uh...its just that Im worried about you and It feels like I'm lacking some training and stuff..."

Truly it is, it feels like so Weird not having training and what else can he do? Talk to the Monkeys and Crash in Donghai's Room to annoy her again the tenth time?.

Really he needs to do something....

"Well I-Uh Maybe Now try doing some mediations! And Uh. I dunno some tricks with your staff?"

"Oh you mean this? Ohoho~"

Showing off his Skills, Wukong Irked at the young Boy "Okay Fine Smart head! Trick yourself then!" He Shouted and Mk being a dumbass he is. He Scratched his Head and raised a brow.

"Trick myself? Is that even possible?"

"Of course! Just-Woah!"

Feeling the Sudden heaviness, He Gritted his teeth "just think Little! Okay Bud I got some Stuff to do! See ya later!" He Waved and Immediately closed his eyes. Gripping the huge rock he Throwed it away in frustration.

Panting, he took a deep breath and then. Looked up the Empty throned decorated with Bones and Gold. "That's an hour. Shitty Puzzles everywhere" He mumbled, clenching his fist he looked up the Gigantic mural of the Ladybone demon. His eyes Glaring at the Old Painting.

"Let's see what you're hiding"

Raising his fist, he Punched the wall. A sudden Crack spreading all around as it crashed into multiple peaces revealing what is hidden behind the Dark Walls.

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