The Skate Park||Chapter One

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"Come on Steve. Please none of the others will go with me." Max sighed as she tried to convince the older. "I already told you I don't skate anymore." "Come on. Wait. Are you scared?" "What!? No way." "Then come with me." "Fine." Max smiled. She said bye to the others and practically dragged Steve to the park. "Wait." She said stopping in her tracks. "You don't have a board." "Well I do at my house. I'll meet you at the park kid." Max nodded and went off to the park. Steve walked back to the Wheelers house to grab his car. He drove back to his house to get the board.

Once he found the board he threw it in the back and drove over to the park. Max was there sitting on a bench. She saw Steve and smiled. "Come on old man." Steve chuckled. "Alright Hargrove. But don't give me to much of a hard time. I haven't skated in years." Max skated off towards the bowl leaving Steve to his own shenanigans. He started by just skating around getting used to the board again. He then moved onto a smaller ramp remembering the feeling from when he was younger. He went down the ramp and stopped after he almost ran into someone. "Hey man. Watch it." "Sorry I didn't see you." "It's alright." The other said now facing Steve. Steve looked at the boy. He looked. Attractive. "Uh I'm Steve. Steve Harrington." He stuck out his hand to shake the other boys. The other grabbed his hand. "Eddie Munson." Steve smiled.

"Well I better go." "Why here with someone." Eddie laughed. Steve looked down and shook his head chuckling. "Yeah Max dragged me here." Eddie's face went from calm to shocked in seconds. "MAD MAX?!" "Uh yeah why?" Steve chuckled. "She's like one of the best skaters I know." "Really?" "Yeah how'd she get stuck with you." "Well like I said she dragged me here. I told her I hadn't skated in years but she insisted. I don't mind though. She's a good kid." Eddie chuckled. "So what are you? Her babysitter," Eddie laughed. Steve chuckled, "Yeah pretty much. Her, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, pretty much all the kids in this god damn town." He laughed. "Well I should go see how she's doing. Nice meeting you Eddie." "Yea same to you." Steve began to walk away. "Hey Harrington." Steve turned around. "Next time I see you. You better do a kick flip." Steve laughed and walked away.

He reached in his pocket to look for his phone and found something else. A slip of paper. How did that get there? He opened it. At the top it said Eddie Munson. Underneath it had his number. Steve's face flushed pink. He just got a hot guys number. Wow. "Whatcha got there Steve?" Steve jumped at the sound of Max's voice. "Oh uh this it's uh nothing." "If it's nothing was does your face match your shirt." Was Steve really that red? He looked down and chuckled. "Anyways I'm ready to go." She sounded tired. "So back to the Wheelers?" "Well yeah. No shit." Max climbed in the car and Steve got in the drivers seat. He started the car and drove back to the Wheelers.

When they arrived they walked down to the basement to find all their friends there. Mike, Lucas, Will, Dustin, El, Robin, Nancy, and now Max and Steve. "What's up with him?" Robin asked. Max smiled. She decided to mess with Steve for being a jerk earlier. "Harrington's got a boyfriend." Steve looked up shocked. His face now a bright shade of red. "What- n-no I don't!" His face heating up even more. "Holy shit Stevie. You look like a tomato." Robin laughed. "So who's the mystery guy?" Dustin added. Steve opened his mouth to say something but Max was already talking. "You'll never believe it. You know Eddie Munson?" "HOLY SHIT! My two older male friends become boyfriends!?" "Ok first of all
Henderson no. Second of all please don't refer to me as your older male friend. That sounds so weird dude."

Robin turned to Nancy. "I bet you 50 bucks that they're together but the end of the summer." "And I bet you 100 they're together by the end of this month." "Deal." The two girls shook on it giggling. Meanwhile Steve sat next to Dustin debating weather or not to text Eddie. "Dude just text him." Steve looked up to see Will starring at him. "I don't know." "Come on Steve if I know anything about Eddie he's gonna want you to text him." "Yeah yeah whatever, Byers."

Maybe Will was right. Maybe he should just text him.

A/N Hey guysss!! I decided to start another story because I really enjoyed writing the other one and it seems you guys really enjoyed reading it!! Super excited to see what you guys think of this one!! Love you all lots!! Remember to eat drink some water and get some sleep!!! BYEEEEE!!!!
Word count:846

Do a kick flip.||skater au||Steddie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now