Late Night Talking||Chapter Two

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    2 am. Steve's house.

He starred at the ceiling. He never did text Eddie. He never called him. He simply put his contact in his phone and that was that. He was bored out of his mind. Starring at the ceiling was not exactly fun. So he grabbed his board and climbed out the window. He rode towards the park and thought about what Eddie said earlier. "You better do a kick flip."  The words echoed in Steve's head. Steve knew what he had to do. Learn to do a kick flip. 

      So there Steve stood at 2 am in the dark at the skatepark trying to learn to do a kick flip. Although it had been years he remembered how to do it. He just couldn't actually do it. He practice for a while before giving up and laying on the cement. "Already giving up Stevie."  Steve jumped at the voice. "Eddie? What are you doing here?"  Steve asked confused to why the older was out so late. "I could ask you the same thing Harrington."  Steve chuckled. He was right. Why did Steve care anyway. "So you already gave up on your kick flip."  "I didn't give up I'm just uh taking a break." Eddie laughed. He smiled at the boy.

     Eddie then stood up and put his hand out for Steve to take. Steve grabbed his hand and got up. "Alright then. I'll have to help you." He grabbed Steve's hand and helped him stand on the board. "Now the key is to flick this foot cause it will help the board spin..." Eddie continued to explain how to do it. And even though Steve already knew how, he let Eddie explain the trick. He then tried while holding Eddie's hands and the board went flying out from under him. Eddie quickly caught Steve so he didn't fall and put his foot out to stop the board. "You ok?" Steve nodded. He got back onto the board he was determined to learn this.

After about half an hour Steve finally landed it. He was so excited. He tackled Eddie in a hug. Eddie laugh as he hugged him back. "Congrats Harrington." Steve smiled. He then realized what he did. He slowly pulled away and apologized. "Hey it's all good man. I'm happy for you." Eddie got up and grabbed his board. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." He then leaned over and kissed Steve's cheek. Steve flushed a bright shade of red as Eddie walked away. He gave him a small wave and stood there shocked. He walked back home and snuck in through the window. He laid on his bed thinking about what just happened. He reached over to his phone and hit call.

Within three rings Eddie answered. "Hi." He said. "Hey." Steve whispered back. "Miss me that much?" Eddie chuckled. Steve watched him laugh. His smile was beautiful. "You alright Harrington?" Steve snapped back to reality as he heard Eddie talk. "Uh yea I'm fine." He was clearly not fine. He looked worried about something. And he kept glancing at the door. He was scared that any minute his dad would burst through the door and yell at him. Steve didn't hate his parents but he sure didn't like them either. "Seriously dude are you ok?" Eddie asked. He voice now laced with concern. "If you want I can hang up and we can talk tomorrow." "No." Steve whisper yelled. Eddie looked shocked. Steve quickly apologized. "Sorry I just don't like my dad that much." He looked down. "Hey man really it's ok I can hang up if you want." "No it's fine I wanna talk to you. Man I should have just asked if you wanted to hangout a little longer at the skate park." "Well you wanna sneak back out? Or are you scared?" Steve smiled. "Meet you at the park." He hung up. He put his shoes back on and climbed out the window again. He walked to the park this time. To bothered to bring his board. When he got there Eddie was already there.

"How did you get here so fast?" "Oh I live right over there." Eddie pointed at a small trailer park. More specifically at the one right at the entrance. "You live there?" "Yeah man it's pretty great. I live by myself so I can do whatever I really want." "That's cool." Eddie just nodded. They fell into a comfortable silence. Both just looking up at the stars. Steve glances at Eddie. The way the moonlight hits his face and makes his eyes look like they're glowing. It was a beautiful sight. Eddie looked towards Steve and Steve quickly looked away. Looking back at the stars. "If you're gonna stare at me at least tell me how hot I am." Eddie said with a laugh. Steve's face was bright red now.

The two sat at the park for a while just talking. Steve picked up his phone. 6:07 am. The sun was about to rise and he got no sleep. Neither did Eddie though. He looked over at Eddie and stood up. "Where are you going?" Steve stuck out his hand. "Come on. I want you to see something." Eddie took Steve's hand and got up. Steve dragged Eddie to a hill top near the park. He sat down and patted the ground for Eddie to join him. Eddie sat next to him. Their hands almost touching. Steve looked at the sky as the sun came up and Eddie looked at Steve and smiled at how in awe Steve was at the sight. Eddie chuckled. "What?" "Nothing. You're just cute." Steve flushed a bright shade of red and only looked at the sky in front of him. Eddie  smiled and also looked at the sunset. 

The two watched the sun come up before Steve realized he should really go home. He looked at his phone and panicked. 6:43 am. He needed to leave. Now. He looked at Eddie and frowned. "Eddie I have to go." Eddie picked up on the panic in Steve's voice and gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "Well come on then. Or else you'll have to run." Steve smiled and got up. He waved bye to Eddie.

He did run home. He didn't wanna get caught climbing back in.

A/N Hey guyss!! Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you like the new book!! Have a great day/night!! Love you all! Remember to eat drink some water and sleep!! BYEEEEEEE!!!

Word Count:1102

Do a kick flip.||skater au||Steddie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now