Fight||Chapter Nine

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Eddie's trailer. 5:07am.

Steve woke up and sat up in bed. He stared at the the wall. He didn't want to go to school today. He wanted stay here with Eddie all day. Maybe even all week. He slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He fixed his hair and brushed his teeth. When he walked back into Eddie's room Eddie was up sitting against the wall. "Hey." Eddie looked up from his phone. "Good morning." "Mornin'." Steve walked over to the bed and sat next to Eddie. Eddie gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up to change. He got changed and then waited for Steve. When Steve was ready to go they got in the car and drove to school.

Hawkins High. 6:57am.

Steve and Eddie got of the car and walked into the school. They walked to Eddie's locker so he could grab his stuff and then they walked to Steve's. Robin and Nancy were waiting for them. When Robin saw Steve she gave him hug. They didn't really see him yesterday after the fight. "Are you ok?" "Don't worry Rob I'm fine." Steve said with a small smile. Robin smiled back and backed up to give Steve room. Steve put his stuff away and him and Eddie went to class.

They sat in class. Steve taking notes and Eddie doing anything but taking notes. "Eddie do your work." "Why so worried about me Harrington? I'll just get the notes later don't worry." Steve shook his head and looked back at paper. Once he finished taking notes he turned to the next page and started doodling. He drew random stuff. Like hearts, balloons, cartoon characters, little leaves, but mainly just doodles of Eddie. He sat quietly drawing for a while before looking up. He noticed a piece of paper in front of his notebook. He opened the paper and read it. 'You're making me too hot.' He quickly wrote back 'well then I guess I need a new reference cause it looks pretty accurate to me'  before passing it back to Eddie.

Eddie opened the slip of paper and his cheeks went red for a second. He looked at Steve and smiled. He leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. Steve smiled and kept drawing. When the bell rang Steve and Eddie split ways to go to class. Unlucky for Steve though he had to cross paths with Jason. He tried to walk past quickly but Jason saw him. "Hey Harrington. Come here." Steve slowly turned around to look at Jason. He walked over to the group. "What?" "Why so moody? Still mad about yesterday?" Steve didn't reply he simple turned around and started to walk away again. But something stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Aww I made him angry. Now he's gonna run back to his little f@ggot and tell on me." Steve turned around and walked back towards Jason. "What did you call him?" "What he truly is." Steve punched Jason. Jason punched Steve. Steve pushed Jason into the wall. Jason punched Steve in the stomach. Once again they got into a fight. People started to gather around the two. Chanting and cheering. Eddie heard all the noise and went to see what was going on. He quickly tried to pull the two away from each other and finally did with the help of Robin and Nancy.

He took Steve's hand and dragged him to the bathroom. "What did we talk about yesterday." Steve was still mad. He looked Eddie dead in the eyes. "He said some awful shit about you."  "I don't care Steve I hate seeing you get hurt." Eddie had tears in his eyes now.  "I'm sorry for wanting to protect you. He was calling you slurs. You really want me to just stand there and listen. No. He deserves it."  "Are you serious right now Steve? You were protecting me? STEVE, I wasn't even there! I wouldn't have even known if you didn't start a fight."  "Oh so now the fight is my fault."  "The fight was always your fault."  "Well fine. I won't protect you anymore. No more fighting..."  "Thank you Stev-"  "For you."  "What?"  "I'm not gonna fight to protect you anymore. I do it because I care."

    "Steve you getting into fights and getting hurt isn't caring."  "No?"  "No Steve it's not."  Steve looked at Eddie and then got up and left. Eddie was shocked. He tried to follow him but by the time he got out of the bathroom Steve was already gone. Steve walked over to Robins car. Luckily she was there. "Hey Stev- holy shit. Did you get in another fight?"  "Yeah um anyways I need a place to stay for a while. Can I stay with you?"  "Wait what? I thought you were staying with Eddie."  "Yeah we'll change of plans. So can I?" "Um yeah sure get in." Steve climbed into Robins car and they drove back to her house.

Robins house. 2:48pm.

      Steve climbs out of the car and follows Robin into her house. "So you gonna tell me what happened?"  Steve sighed and looked down at the counter. "I fucked up Robin."  He looked up with tears streaming down his face. Robin pulled her friend into a hug. She felt awful for him. He clearly was hurting from everything going on. "Steve what did you do?"  "Me and Eddie got into an argument about me fighting and then I just left."  "What about you fighting?"  "Because I was just trying to protect him but he said he didn't want to see me hurt and that me getting hurt wasn't caring."  "He's not wrong."  "What?"  "Think about it. What part of you getting hurt helps Eddie?" 

      Steve looked down at his hands. Robin and Eddie were both right. He really needed to stop losing his temper. Him getting hurt doesn't help anyone. Not even Eddie. He sighed and looked back up at Robin.  "Thanks for the help Buckley." "Anytime. Hey do you want me to get you stuff from your house?"  "If you could that would be great."  "Ok what do you need." Steve told Robin what he needed and she left. Now Steve was just looking around her house.

    Robin got to Steve's house. She climbed through his window and grabbed some clothes and his sketch book. She also grabbed his phone charger and a thing of colored pencils. Most importantly his skateboard. She then climbed back out and went to her car. She drove away from Steve's house but she still had one more stop to make. Robin pulled up to Eddie's house and got out of the car. She knocked on the door and waited.

    Soon the door swung open revealing a very upset Eddie. "Oh hey Buckley."

A/N Hey guys!! I hope you like this chapter. Only one more to go :(. Sorry it's a little sad. Spoiler warning. I don't care if they killed Eddie in my mind he's not dead. Eddie must live on as hero. Anyways I hope you all have a great day/night! Love you all! Remember to eat drink some water and get some sleep!! Love you all so much!! BYEEEEE!!

Word Count:1215

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