Mario Kart||Chapter Five

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A few weeks later. 3:17 pm. Steve's house. The four older teens sit around Steve's tv playing video games. Just Steve, Robin, Nancy and Eddie.

   "Can we please play something else. I'm getting bored." Steve looked over at Eddie. The boy had set his controller down already and was looking at Steve. "Fine Munson. What do you wanna play."  Steve already knew exactly what Eddie was going to say. He wondered why he even asked at this point. "Mario Kart." Eddie got up and put the new game into the switch. The two girls sighed. Eddie always picked Mario Kart.

[Over the past few weeks the older teens started to hang out more without the younger ones. They had even started their own group chat. They had named it The Fruity Four🏳️‍🌈.]

Eddie walked back over to the couch and waited for Steve to start the game. Once Steve set it up they all picked characters. Steve picked Yoshi, Eddie picked Bowser Jr., Robin picked Toad, and Nancy picked Daisy. They picked the map and began playing. At the end of the third lap Steve was in first until Eddie hit him with a shell and won. "Screw you Munson." Eddie smirked and looked at Steve. "Wouldn't you like to."  He said with a wink. He then got up and walked into the kitchen getting a drink. Steve's faced flushed red. He got up and followed Eddie. Leaving the girls alone in the living room.

Steve walked over the fridge and bent down to grab a coke. "Nice ass." Eddie walked out of the kitchen back to the living room. Steve's face went more red and he got a cup from the cabinet. He poured the coke into it along with some ice and walked back to the living room. Setting his drink on the table in front of him. He sat down and grabbed his controller before starting the next race. Once again Eddie won. "How the hell are you so good at this?" Eddie looked towards Robin and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know I'm just that great." Robin and Nancy both laughed. Eddie truly was dramatic.

However Steve didn't laugh he just drank his coke and started the next race. And to everyone's surprise Robin won. "What the hell." Everyone laughed. Nancy gave Robin a high-five and Eddie didn't look amused. He hated losing. Even if it was a video game. Steve tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine." Eddie looked back at the tv and Steve started the last race. Once again Eddie won. Which meant Eddie won the whole thing. "Well. I truly am just the king of Mario Kart." Steve laughed as he walked away. Before adding, "Fuck you and your dramatic ass Munson." "Anytime you want." Eddie yelled back Steve stopped dead in his tracks. His face redder then a tomato. Nancy and Robin tried to hold in their laughter as Eddie got up and followed Steve.

  Steve walked into the kitchen. Eddie following behind him like a lost puppy. He stopped in-front of the fridge and looked for anything to eat. He sighed when he found nothing. He shut the fridge and went to walk away until he felt arms wrap around him. He titled his head and saw Eddie cling to him like a koala. "H-hey." "Hi." Eddie murmured into Steve's shoulder.

Steve just stood there unsure of what to do. "Eddie what are you doing?" He sighed. "I'm tired." Steve turned around so he was facing Eddie. He unwrapped Eddie's arms and walked away. "Hey what are you doing?" He called after Steve. Steve simply walked back into the living room. Eddie following behind him. They sat down again. They all sat in silence for a while before Nancy spoke up. "Are you guys ready for school to start next week?" Eddie looked over at Nancy shocked. "School starts next week already?"  "Yea." "Are you kidding man. That sucks."

     The four talked for a while about school and other things. Eddie kept glancing at Steve. Something seemed off about him. After a while Robin stood up and offered her hand to Nancy. She looked at the time. 7:48 pm. "Well me and Nancy should go. We are supposed to be picking up Mike and Will." With that the two girls got up and walked towards the door. Steve and Eddie yelled their byes as the girls walked out. As soon as he heard the door close Steve got up and walked to his room.
   Eddie got up confused. "Where are you going man?" He got no response so he followed Steve upstairs and into his room. He sat next to him in the bed. Eddie set his hand on Steve's shoulder. "What's wrong man?" "What do you think Eddie." Steve said slightly raising his voice. Eddie flinched slightly. He looked at Steve. He sighed.

    "You've been acting weird all night Steve. I'm worried." Steve looked at his hands for a minute before speaking again. He was mad but not at Eddie. At himself. This caused his next sentence to come out harsher then expected. He looked at Eddie. He looked like he was gonna cry. "Have I really Munson. Maybe it's because you keep flirting with me." Steve sighed and looked down again. Eddie face changed from its concerned look to a more serious face. He looked at Steve.

"Hey Steve you know if that bothers you, you can tell me. Right?" Steve didn't look back at Eddie he simply kept looking at his hands. "Yeah well it does bother me. But not because it makes me uncomfortable." He looked at Eddie again. "Because I like you Eddie and I can't tell if you're joking or not." Eddie just sat there he didn't know what to say. Steve Harrington liked him. Eddie Munson. The freak. Was Steve Harringtons crush? No way. Steve looked down again. "See this is why I didn't say anything. I knew you were joking but Robin was like 'Oh no Steve he totally likes you' and I knew she was wro-" Eddie smiled before he cupped Steve's face with his free hand. Eddie pulled Steve into a kiss. He pulled back after a second. Steve blushing like crazy.

"God Harrington. Do you ever shut up?" Eddie smiled. Steve pulled him into another kiss. They pulled away but only because they had to breathe. Steve looked at Eddie before putting their foreheads together and laughing. Eddie also started laughing. He wasn't sure why but he did. The two looked at each other and smiled. Steve pulled Eddie into a hug. Both of them happier then they had been in a while. They laid down on the bed. Steve nuzzled into Eddie's Chest. "Can you spend the night?" Steve murmured into Eddie's chest.

"Anything for you Princess." Eddie gave Steve a kiss on the head and the two fell asleep.

A/N HEY GUYSSSS!! I hope you guys are enjoying this book. Sorry it's taking me a while to write I just didn't have the inspiration so thanks for waiting! Ok anyways Love you all so much thank you for reading. Remember to eat Drink water and get some sleep!! LOVE YOU BYEEEEEEE!!

Word Count:1217

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