School||Chapter Eight

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Eddies trailer. 5:57am.

Steve wakes up to the sound of an alarm going off. He turns to Eddie wakes him up. "Eddie come on we've got school." Eddie sighs and gets out of bed. He walks to the bathroom and Steve gets up to get changed. He goes through the bag he brought and picks out some clothes. He gets changed and waits for Eddie to get back. Eddie comes back and Steve gets up and goes to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and fixes his hair as much as he can. He then stops for a minute and inspects the nice bruise underneath his eye. He sighs and walks back to Eddie's room.

Eddie grabs Steve's waist and pulls him towards himself. He then kisses the bruise underneath Steve's eye before kissing him on the lips. He pulled back and looked at Steve's face. He had awful eye bags, a bruise under his right eye, a cut on his lower lip, and he looked like he could cry at any minute. Eddie sighed and hugged the other tightly. When Eddie let go he looked at the time. 6:23am. "Come on we should go." Steve grabbed Eddie's hand and followed him out of the trailer.

School. 6:43am.

When they got to school Steve went straight to his locker. He opened it and put all his extra notebooks and folders inside. He kept three in his backpack. Eddie stood next to him watching him. "What?" Steve asked turning to look at Eddie. "Nothing I just am gonna miss you today." Steve laughed. He leaned against the lockers. "Eddie we have like four classes together." "Exactly we have four together and there's seven classes." "It will be fine Eddie." He looked at the boy and smiled. Steve shut his locker and the two talked as they walked to Eddie's locker. As they were putting his stuff away Robin and Nancy come over to them. "Hey guys." Nancy said making themselves known to the other two. Steve turned around to greet the others but didn't get a chance to talk.

"Oh my god Steve. Are you ok?" Robin took a few steps closer to Steve and put her hand on the bruise. "Ow please don't touch it and yes I'm fine." "Yea ok I believe you. Seriously are you ok? This looks really bad." "I'm fine Robin." Robin sighed and stepped back next to Nancy taking her hand once again. Eddie shut his locker and stood next to Steve with his arm around his shoulders. The four talked for a while. They all looked at what classes they had together. Luckily they all had lunch together.

As they were talking Jason and his goons walked up. "Hey Steve." Steve looked towards Jason and sighed. "What do you want." "Jeez why so angry." Jason then took a better look at Steve. "Oh shit looks like someone's dad didn't want a f@g in his house." Jason and all his friends laughed. Steve however didn't he simply looked at Eddie. Eddie's face turned to a frown and he just looked back at Steve. "Holy shit. It was actually his dad. Man Harrington maybe should try to make him proud for once." That struck a nerve. Steve whipped his head back around. He was furious. "What did you say?" "Come on man you know it's a joke." Steve walked closer to Jason and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"You have no idea what my life is like." "Aww does somebody have a tough life of being rich." Steve lost it. He punched Jason in the face and let go of his collar. He started to walk away but Jason grabbed him and pushed him into the lockers. The two started fighting hitting each other. Jason's goons tried to pull him off while Eddie, Nancy, and Robin tried to pull Steve back. When they finally did break up the fight Eddie grabbed Steve's hand and took him to the bathroom. He gave Steve a tissue to hold under his bleeding nose. Eddie sighed. "You shouldn't have hit him." Steve looked at him wide eyed. "What the fuck do you mean. Did you not hear what he said? He deserved it." "I know that Steve but look at you. I hate seeing you all beat up and bruised." Steve looked down at his shoes. "Sorry." "Don't apologize. I just wanna make sure you're ok." Steve looked at Eddie and smiled.

The bell rang for class. The two quickly got up and walked to their first class. Which luckily they had together. When they got there the teacher just looked at Steve who was still holding the bloody tissue under his nose and sighed. "Eddie would you take Mr. Harrington to the nurse." "Yea." The two walked to the nurses office in silence. When they got there the nurse told Eddie he could go back to class so Eddie gave Steve a kiss on the head and walked back to class.

Eddie sat in class doodling in his notebook. He wondered how Steve was doing and as if on cue Steve return to class with a late slip. He sat down next to Eddie and laid his head on his shoulder. Eddie smiled and kissed the boy's head.

The rest of the day went ok. Obviously Jason and his goons kept making remarks at him and Eddie but he didn't care to much. The two walked over to Steve's car and got in. Steve picked up his phone and saw he had a message from his mom.

< Mom

Hey I just wanted to
make sure you were
ok wherever you are

I'm fine but I'll be staying
at Eddie's for a while

Is Eddie your boyfriend?


ok well I love you
stay safe

thanks mom
love you too

Steve turned off his phone and turned to Eddie who was playing some sort of game on his. He gave him a quick kiss on the lips before he drove back to Eddie's trailer. They went inside and just sat on the couch for a while watching tv before Eddie decided he was hungry and went to make some food. After the food was done the two sat at the table and ate.

Talking about god knows what. Both slightly worried for tomorrow.

A/N Hey guys!! I hope you all liked this chapter. Sorry it's kinda sad but I'm afraid the next chapter will be sadder. But I promise it will have a happy ending.Remember to eat drink some water and get some sleep. Love you all so much!! BYEEEEEE!!

Word Count:1109

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