Wanna Skate?||Chapter Ten

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Robin's house and Eddie's trailer. 4:38pm.

   Steve sat on Robins couch watching tv. What's taking her so long? Shouldn't she be back now? He texted her.

< Robin🪺

Where are you?

Robin looked at her phone. She looked back at Eddie. "Shit I gotta go." She got up. and texted Steve back.

Sorry. omw now.

She shut off her phone said bye to Eddie before she left. She walked out the door and to her car. Before she got in she heard Eddie call her. "Hey Buckley wait." She turned to look at Eddie. He handed her a note and a guitar pick. She looked back up confused. "What's this for?" "Steve." She nodded now understanding what he meant. She put the items in the pocket of a hoodie she grabbed for him. She got in her car and drove home.

Robin's house. 4:57pm.

Robin walked into the house and found Steve watching tv. She gave Steve all his stuff and showed him where the guest room was. "Thanks Rob. It means a lot." "It's really no problem. If you ever need a place to crash this room is always open." Steve smiled at Robin and went to put the clothes over on the dresser. Robin walked away to let Steve do what he wanted. He decided to change his clothes. He looked through the pile of clothes she brought until one in particular stopped him. It was a t-shirt Eddie had left at his house. It had the band Metallica on it. He grabbed it and some sweatpants. He changed and grabbed a hoodie to throw over it.

He walked out of the room and asked Robin where his skateboard was. "In the garage. But uh isn't it a bit late for skating." "No but it's for tomorrow anyways." She nodded her head and went back to what she was doing. Steve walked back to his room. He grabbed his sketch book and decided to draw to make him feel better. He drew a picture of him and Eddie.

 He drew a picture of him and Eddie

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[art by canaryblue]

      He look at the picture. Happy with it. He just wished him and Eddie were happy. He want to text Eddie but he didn't know what he would say. So he just didn't. Instead he texted Max. He asked her if she wanted to go skate tomorrow and she did. He told her he's pick her up at like 2:30 cause he had work still. She said ok and Steve turned off his phone and went to sleep.

Max's trailer. 2:27pm.

     Steve waited in his car. He texted Max he was there. He didn't wanna get out just  incase Eddie saw him. He still didn't know what he would say. Max finally walked out and got into Steve's car. He drove to the skatepark.

Skatepark. 2:56pm.

    Steve got of the car and walked over to the bowl. He skated around in the bowl for a while. After he was done he worked on some tricks. He learned how to do an Ollie and a pop shove it. He worked on his kick flip which he had mastered by then. He wanted to learn a new trick called milkshake but he wasn't much good at it. He did that for a while before deciding to just go ride around. After about 2-3 hours Max wanted to go home. So Steve drove her home and then went to Robins house.

Robin's house. 5:27pm.

        Steve knocked on the door. Robin opened it and laughed. "You know you don't have to knock right?"  Steve smiled. He nodded his head and walked inside. "So how was the skatepark?"  "Pretty good. I think I'm close to getting milkshake."  "Steve I'm gonna be honest and please listen to me. I have no idea what you're talking about." Steve laughed and walked away. Robin smiled and went back to cleaning the dishes.

        Steve sat on his bed for a while looking at the ceiling. He was throwing a ball up and catching it. He sighed bored out of his mind. He looked at the time. 7:32pm. Maybe I'll just go for a ride on my skateboard. He got up and walked to the door. He grabbed his board and road down the street. He stopped when he got to the skatepark and sat down underneath a tree. He sat there for a while just listening to music before he started working on his tricks again. It had been about an hour since he got there and he was ready to go back to Robins. He grabbed his board and started to walk away. Until a voice stopped him. "Hey Harrington." He turned to see Eddie standing behind him.

     "Do a kick flip." Steve smiled and road away. Doing a kick flip in the process. Eddie smiled back and shook his head a little.

A/N so maybe I lied and the ending isn't that happy but i'm gonna do an epilogue to make up for it. I hope you enjoyed the book. Love you all! Remember to eat sleep and drink some water!! Have a great day/night!! I love you all so much. BYEEEEE!!

Word Count:871

Do a kick flip.||skater au||Steddie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now