So..?||Chapter Three

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Steve climbed back in and laid on his bed. He grabbed a book and pretended to be reading it. He heard the door click open. "Oh your up. Uh me and your mother are leaving for a week. Going to visit an old friend. So place is yours. You can have friends over but no more than 10 people and no parties." Steve simply nodded his head. "Ok. Bye." His das shut the door. Steve set the book down and smiled. He could hangout with his friends all week.

He watched his parents leave waving bye. He then pulled out his phone and Texted the group chat.

< Babysitting club🧸

Hey guys! Wanna hang
tonight? My parents are
outta town for a week.

Yeah sure. What time?

I was thinking like 12:00
if that's ok with y'all.

Dusty Bun🐰🐇
Yeah sounds good!

Yeah sure


I guess

I'm down

El said she's
coming too.

Nancy is as well

Steve smiled. He was excited to see his friends. However there was one more person he wanted to text. He clicked out of the group chat and clicked on some one else.

<                    Eddie Munson💙

Hey man! A few people are
coming over at 12:00 wanna
come?                      .

Yea sure but I don't know
where you live. lol.

Oh yeah lol

Steve sent Eddie his address.

Alright see ya soon Harrington.

    Steve was happy. While he waited for everyone to get there he set up some snacks and picked a few movies for them to watch. The first to arrive was Robin. She drove Max and Lucas. "Hey Steve."  "Hey Robin. How are you?"  "Good. But uh how are you? You got huge eye bags." "Oh yeah just didn't sleep much last night." Robin simply nodded. Then came a knock on the door. Nancy was there with Mike and Dustin. Right after Steve said hello Jonathan pulled in the driveway dropping of Will and El and leaving. Steve welcomed everyone inside and sat down bitting the inside of his cheek. Was Eddie still coming? Did he forget? Then someone knocked on the door. Pulling him outta his thoughts. He got up and answered the door. Dustin looked around. "Who is that we're all here."  "Wrong Henderson." A familiar voice said from the doorway. "Eddie!" He ran up to him and gave him a hug. Eddie awkwardly hugged him back. He then walked in and greeted everyone else.

    Robin pulled Steve to the side. "Steve come help me get drinks."  Steve followed Robin into the kitchen. She stopped and turned towards Steve. "So..?" "So what?"  "Don't act confused. You look extremely tired and so does Eddie. So did something happen?"  "No we just hung out." Robin just nodded and pretended to believe Steve. She then grabbed a few drinks handing a few to Steve. They walked back and set the drinks on the table. "You guys wanna watch a movie?"  "Yeah sure." Steve went through the pile of movies asking one by one which one to watch. Everyone agreed on watching Uncharted.

   About 15 minutes in there's a scene with Tom Holland shirtless. "Damn. That's an attractive man."  Eddie said laughing. Everyone else laughed at the stupid comment. Steve looked at Eddie and smiled. About half way through him and Eddie both fell asleep. Steve laying his head on Eddie's shoulder and Eddie hugging him. The movie ended and Robin looked over at the two. "I'm gonna win." Nancy whispered in her ear. "No way Steve's to scared to say anything."  "Yeah but Eddie's not."

"So what's up with these two bone heads." Max asked. Robin laughed. "Well Max I think you were right about Steve liking Eddie."  "See I'm always right." Lucas laughed. "Sure you are." Everyone else laughed. "So who's waking them up?" Mike asked. Everyone else looked away. "Alright I'll do it."  He tapped Eddie's shoulder and Eddie slowly woke up. He looked down at Steve and gave him a kiss on the head before waking him up. "OH GOD STEVE DUSTIN STARTED A FIRE!!"  Steve jumped up. He looked around for a fire and saw none. He looked at Eddie and punched his arm. "Ow." Everyone else laughed.

   A few hours later they had watched about three movies and everyone was getting tired. They started to leave. First Nancy, Mike, and Dustin left. Soon after they left Jonathan was there to get El and Will. Robin left with them taking Lucas and Max home. This left just Steve and Eddie. "Well I'm probably gonna go too." Eddie started to get up. "Wait no." Eddie looked at Steve and smiled. "Stay my parents are outta town."  "Steve I really should go."  "Please?" Eddie sighed. "Fine."

    Steve smiled and gave Eddie a hug. He then dragged him upstairs to his room. He opened the door and Eddie laughed. "What?" "Nothing."  Steve looked at what Eddie was looking at. His book shelf. "I just didn't know you were a nerd. That's all."  He skimmed through all the books. Stopping at one that caught his eye. Act Cool. (Great book btw.) He opened it and read the summary. Steve looked over and saw what book it was. He grabbed it from Eddie's hands and shut it. Putting it back on the shelf. Eddie just laughed. "Jeez Harrington."  "Sorry. I uh-"  "What's up man you seem so on edge."  Steve shut his eyes. "I'm bi."  "Well I already knew that."  "What? How?"  "Well putting a bisexual sticker on your skateboard is kinda a dead give away."  Steve had forgotten the sticker was there. He chuckled.

    "So you don't care."  "Are you kidding man. I just called Tom Holland hot. You really think I would care." Steve laughed. "Besides I'm gay anyways." Eddie smiled looking back at the book shelf. Steve just stood there for a minute before smiling. "I'm tired." Steve said and walked over to his bed flopping down. Eddie walked over and flopped down next to him. "Me too."  "Did you sleep at all?"  "No. You?"  He asks turning his head toward Steve. "No." Steve then turned onto his side and placed his head on Eddie chest. "What are you doing Harrington." Eddie chuckled. "Shush. Tired." He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Eddie looked down at him and smiled kissing his forehead.

    Never did he think he would be sharing a bed with Steve Harrington. Let alone friends with him.

A/N Hey guys!! Thanks for reading this chapter and also thank you for over 3k reads on my other book!! It means a lot!! Love you all!! Have a great day/night! Remember to eat drink some water and get some sleep! (Unlike Steve and Eddie and me) BYEEEEEEEE!!

Word Count:1128

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