Last day of Summer||Chapter Seven

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     Steve's house. 12:07pm.

   Steve sat on his bed looking through his phone. He sighed and looked at the time. His last day of summer break was already halfway over and all he's done is look at his stupid phone. He hasn't even texted Eddie. He open his messages and clicked on Eddie's contact. He hit call and waited for him to pick up. "Look who's finally awake. Sleeping in on the last day?"  "Can you come over?"  Steve's voice was barley above a whisper. He sounded extremely upset. "Hey what's wrong?"  "Can you please just come over."  "Yea i'm on my way."  Eddie hung up the phone.

[flashback kinda idk what else to call it]

      Steve's parents had gotten home yesterday. Steve had decided to tell his parents he was Bi. That didn't exactly go so well. His father being the asshole he is told Steve he wasn't his son. No son of his was 'one of those people.' His mom stood behind his dad and didn't say anything. But before she went to bed she went to Steve's room and although it wasn't much she told him she accepted him. He was happy even though his mom was almost never home at least he could be himself.

[back to present time]

   Steve waited for Eddie to get there. After Eddie hung up Steve texted him to tell him to climb through his window. The last thing he needed was his dad to yell at Eddie too.

   When Eddie arrived he climbed up to the window and waited for Steve to open it. The second Eddie stepped inside he hugged Steve as tight as he could. Steve couldn't take anymore. He started crying. Eddie hugged him while he cried. "Steve please talk to me baby."  Steve let go of Eddie and walked over to his bed and sat down. Eddie followed and sat across from him holding his hands. "I uh I told my parents I was bi and my mom accepts me but my dad doesn't. He called me one of those people and said I wasn't his son. And I don't even know why I care cause he's a shit dad anyways but I just thought maybe once he would be a good dad. Ya know."

     Eddie's face quickly changed from concerned to angry. "Steve you have every right to care. So what if he's a shit dad. He should still accept you for who are. It's bullshit that he doesn't." Steve looked at Eddie. Tears threatening to spill again. He looked back down at his hands. Now intertwined with Eddie's. He smiled. "Thanks for coming."  "Steve you know I always will." The two sat in silence for a while. Eddie leaned in and gave Steve a quick kiss before jumping up and standing on the bed. He put his hand out for Steve to take. "And who cares about him anyways. You don't need his love. You have mine." Steve took Eddie's hand and stood up. He smiled and kissed him. He pulled back and just looked at Eddie smiling before he spoke.

     "You love me huh?"  Eddie's face went red. "N-no well yes but also no." Steve laughed. "It's ok Eddie. I love you too." Eddie smiled and hugged Steve. The two couldn't be happier. They sat on Steve's bed for a while. Talking, kissing, watching tv, kissing again, and eating snacks Steve had hidden under his bed. They were having a great time. Steve picked up his phone and looked at the time. 8:28pm. "Man it's almost 8:30. I can't believe summer break is over in a few hours."  "I do not wanna go back that hell hole of a school."  "Yeah but at least you have me." Eddie smiled and kissed Steve.

    All of sudden Steve heard banging on the door. "Open this damn door Steve." Steve's face went completely white. He knew it was his dad. He turned to Eddie. "You need to go." Eddie just looked at him confused. But when he saw Steve's face he knew he really did have to go. He gave Steve a quick kiss and climbed out the window. Steve got off his bed and opened the door for his dad. "God you never listen. What did I tell you about locking this door boy." Steve swallowed. He was scared. If he was being honest he hated his dad.

   His dad came into his room. Going through his stuff. When he was pushing stuff off Steve's desk he saw a picture of him and Eddie he picked up the picture and looked at Steve. "Is this the boy that made you gay."  Steve suddenly got extremely worried. "W-what! No! No! He just a friend I swear."  "He better be because my son is not a f@g."

(I would like to clarify I have the right to say the f-slur because I am gay. Although I'm still going to censor it because I hate it.)

   Steve just nodded his head. But what happened next he didn't except.
—                                           —
    Eddie's Trailer. 12:03am.

   Eddie sat on his bed. Worried about Steve. He wasn't sure what was gonna happen after he left. He knew Steve's dad was an asshole but he didn't know how much. The only thing he could think was that he shouldn't have left. But the look on Steve's face when he told him to go is what worried him the most. He looked petrified. Eddie laid there for hours thinking about what happened. He looked at the time 2:37am. Shit he needed to go to sleep. Tomorrow was the first day of school and he was gonna get no sleep. He got up to change and heard someone knocking. Who's here at this hour? He walked to the door and opened it. "Holy shit. Are you ok?" "No. Can I stay here?"  "Of course come in."

   Eddie's eyes just kept scanning Steve's face. What the hell did his dad do?

A/N Hey guyss!! Sorry to leave this one on a cliff hanger but I really think it adds to the storyline. Ok anyways thank you all for reading this chapter. There will be a total of ten so getting close to the end! Remember to get some sleep, drink some water, and eat! Love you all!! BYEEEE!!

Word Count:1062

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