Pool Party||Chapter Six

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Steve's house. 10:30am.

Steve sits up and looks at Eddie. He smiles and kisses the others head. Eddie slowly opens his eyes and looks at Steve. "Oh sorry did I wake you up?" "No I've been awake for a while Harrington." "Oh. Why didn't you wake me up?" "Cause I'm a nice guy." Steve smiles and gets out of bed. He picked up his phone and looked at the time. Oh. It really wasn't that late yet. He set his phone down and grabbed some clothes for himself and Eddie. "Thanks. Hey you know it's nice outside we should hangout with the kids since summer is almost over." "Yeah we could have a pool party. I've got a pretty nice pool." "Alright. I'll text them."

Eddie texts the group chat. Getting answers almost immediately. "Well that was quick. Everybody will be here around 1:00." He looked at Steve and smiled. "Well we should go set up the pool then."  The two walked downstairs and Steve led Eddie to the backyard where the pool was. He started cleaning a table so they could eat on it. He made sure the grill had propane. Then he went over to check the pool temperature. He set the thermometer in the water and was waiting.

   Eddie snuck up behind him and pushed Steve into the pool. Steve was not exactly happy about that. "Munson! You're gonna pay." He quickly got out of the pool and chased Eddie around. Eddie climbed a tree and Steve gave up. "Alright Munson come down I give up." Eddie climbed down the tree and Steve just stood there. "Do you want a hug?" Eddie looked at Steve and tried to run but Steve grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug. "Harrington." Eddie whined dragging out the ton. Now both boys were soaked.

"Come on let's go get food and change before everyone gets here." Steve started to walk away. "Wait Harrington you forgot something." "What?" He turned back around and Eddie pulled him into a quick kiss. Steve pulled back and went to get everything Eddie following him. After they got all the food setup they went to change. Steve put on his favorite swim shorts. They were blue with little anchors. They reminded him of working at Scoops Ahoy with Robin. Eddie walked out of the bathroom in all black swim shorts Steve had. Steve just stared at him admiring his tattoos. There was quite a few and man did they make Eddie look hot.

"Got a staring problem I see." Steve's face quickly turned red and he looked away. "What you're just gonna stare at me and not tell me how it looks." Steve thought for a minute. He walked towards Eddie and grabbed his hips. "You look hot as hell Eds." His tone sent shivers down Eddie's spine. Eddie looked at him before pulling him into a kiss. Steve happily kissed back. Eddie walked backwards towards the bed dragging Steve along with him. He pulled Steve down on top of him and two continued to make out as Eddie's hands roamed Steve's hair and Steve's hands held Eddie's waist tight. The two broke apart when they heard a knock. Steve laughed and got off of Eddie going to answer the door.

Eddie got up and followed him. "Hey Buckley and Nance." "Hey Steve. Hello Edison." "How many times Robin. That's not my name." "Well if you aren't gonna tell me what it is I'm just going to assume that's it." Eddie rolled his eyes and stood next to Steve. Clinging to his side. Steve put his arm around Eddie and invited the two girls in. Nancy went to change first. "So..." "What Buckley." "When did this happen." She said pointing between Steve and Eddie. Steves face instantly went red. Eddie on the other hand just smiled before responding. "Yesterday." Robin smiled. When Nancy returned Robin looked at her and started walking away before stopping and turning to her. "You owe me 50 bucks." Nancy whipped her head around and glanced between the two boys before she looked at Robin again. "Fuck off." Robin giggled and walked away.

    "So you and Eddie huh." Steve looked at Eddie.Who was now in the kitchen with Robin. "Yea." Steve smiled still looking at Eddie. Another knock came. The kids had arrived. Steve greeted all his children and then showed everyone where the pool was. After he showed everyone where they could change. Once everyone was changed they all swam for a few hours. The last ones in the pool being Robin, Dustin, and Max. "Hey guys foods ready." Eddie quickly got up and walked over to where Steve had set down the food. He grabbed a plate and gave Steve a quick peck on the lips before getting food. Dustin saw and started yelling.

     "MY TWO OLDER MALE FRIENDS TOGETHER FOREVER!!" Steve just shook his head and laughed. Eddie smiled and continued getting food. Everyone sat at the table and they all ate after it was around 5:30 and they decided to get changed and watch a movie. Steve and Eddie went up to Steve's room. Eddie shut the door behind him and grabbed Steve's hips and pulled him into a rather aggressive kiss. Steve kissed back and once again they were on top of each other making out. A banging on the door getting their attention. "STEVE STOP FUCKING YOUR BOYFRIEND AND COME GET THE MOVIE SETUP." Steve rolled his eyes. "SHUT UP BUCKLEY." Steve got off of Eddie and went to get changed. After he threw Eddie some clothes and waited for him to change. Eddie gave him kiss on the cheek and walked downstairs.

    Steve followed him down to find the rest of the group arguing over what movie to watch. "Eddie tell them My Girl is better then Free Willy." Dustin looked towards Eddie hoping he would agree. "No way man they're both sad as shit. How about we watch like I don't know It or something."  "No way I don't do scary." Steve yelled from the kitchen. "Come on don't be a baby Steve." "Max I will literally kick you out." "Jeez I was just kidding."  Mike looked at Will knowing he wouldn't like something scary either. "I agree with Steve no scary." "Come on you guys are lame." "Shut up Sinclair." 

   "How about we watch Pirates of The Caribbean?"  Eddie sat up. "Great Idea Byers. Johnny Depp is really hot in that one." "Hey. I'm right here." Everyone laughed. "Oh you are not hotter then Johnny Depp. Sorry Stevie." Will smiled happy he found a movie they could watch. Steve walked back into the family room with popcorn and drinks. He sat down next to Eddie and smiled. They started the movie. After it was over all the kids went home. Once again leaving just the older teens.

    "Well I figure we should tell you guys." Steve just looked at Robin confused. But Eddie perked up. His eyes almost sparkling. "Me and Nancy are dating."  "I knew it!"  Steve smiled and looked over at Eddie. He put his arm around the boys shoulders and gave him a side hug. The four sat in Steve's family room talking for a while before they realized what time it was. "Oh shit. We should go Nancy." Nancy then looked at the time. 11:45pm. "You guys can spend the night if you want." "Thanks Steve that would be great." He showed the girls to the guest room before walking back over to Eddie. He sat down next to Eddie and smiled. "Wanna go to bed?" He whispered. Eddie simply nodded his head and laid it on Steve's shoulder. The two went upstairs and changed for bed. They laid down.

   Eddie on Steve's chest. Steve tracing circles on his back.

A/N Hey guyssss!! I really hope you like this chapter. It might take a while to finish this book cause I want all the chapters to be closer to this length! I hope you all have a great day/night! Love you! Remember to eat drink some water and sleep!! Love you all!! BYEEE!!

Word Count:1365

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