Two things I've learned about Harrington||Chapter Four

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The next morning. 9 am. Eddie woke up to a sleeping Steve snoring on his chest. Eddie gave Steve a kiss on the forehead and tried to get up without waking him up. Which didn't work because the second he moved Steve woke up. Steve lifted his head up and looked at Eddie. Eddie couldn't help but laugh when he saw him. "What?" Steve said extremely tired. "Nothing." Eddie continued to laugh. Steve got up and looked in the mirror. His face went red with embarrassment he forgot about his hair in the morning. God did he look stupid.

     He looked back at Eddie and covered his face. Eddie just smiled at the boy. Steve then walked over to his closet and pulled a hoodie over his head to cover his hair. He walked back over and laid his head on Eddie's shoulder. Eddie hugged the slightly taller boy. "Are you still tired?" He whispered. Steve nodded his head. "Go back to sleep then." His voice soft. "I really should go now anyways."  "No. Please stay. I hate sleep by myself." Eddie smiled at the boy. "Fine." He said softly. They walked back over to the bed and Steve quickly fell asleep again.

     Eddie didn't know how to explain it but he felt happy again. It was the first time in a while he actually felt happy. It was a strange feeling to him but he enjoyed. He also enjoyed the company of Steve. Which is why every time he's agreed to staying longer. He let Steve sleep on him for a while before he decided to get up and make breakfast. He got up and went downstairs. Shortly after he started cooking the pancakes Steve wandered down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sitting at the counter.

       "Good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep good?"  "Mornin' and uh yea thanks for being my pillow." Steve looked down and smiled while blushing a little. "I'd do it any time Harrington." He set some pancakes on a plate and gave them to Steve. He then gave Steve a kiss on the head and walked to put some on a plate for himself. He sat down next to Steve and they ate in comfortable silence. Steve taking quick glance at Eddie. When they finished eating they put their plates in the sink and Steve went upstairs to take a shower and change. "Hey Steve I think I'm gonna go." Eddie yelled up the stairs as he heard the water shut off. "Hang on give me a second." Steve walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. He walked over to Eddie and gave him a hug good bye. Eddie hugged back. But his face was bright red. In front of him stood a shirtless Steve Harrington with dripping wet hair and nothing but a towel on. He He let go of the hug and turned to leave. Steve grabbed his wrist, "you forgot something." He gave Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek and let him leave. Eddie stood outside Steve house for a while trying to calm himself down. But he couldn't so he decided to go to the skate park to get his mind off of it. But he couldn't he could only think about Steve and his stupidly cute face. He thought back to the night before and this morning.

     He had learned two things about Steve Harrington. He's bi and he has awful bed head.

A/N Hey guysss!! Sorry this chapter is shorter I didn't really know what else to add to it. This story is going to be a bit faster paced then the other one if you couldn't tell. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this story just as much as the other one!! Love you all!!!! Remember to eat get some sleep and drink water. LOVE YOU BYEEEEEE!!

Word Count:654

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