31- Almost the End

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I wake from a light sleep with a startle

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I wake from a light sleep with a startle. My immediate reaction is that Marco is choking on his own vomit which causes me to practically leap from bed and dash into the over room.

I find the sofa empty with the blanket on the floor. Confused, I shift in place for a moment, trying to work out what the noise was that woke me up.

A thunderous knocking slams through my apartment making me jump. As I walk to the doorway, I catch a glance of the time on the oven and startle when I see the 3am glowing throughout the kitchen.

Peering through the peep-hole, I squint through the darkness. Enzo? What the hell is he doing here?

Throwing open the door, I scowl at him.

"Enzo! What the hell are you doing here?"

The stench of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol fills my nostrils.

"Baby..." Enzo croons as he staggers into the room.

His arms reach out for me but I take a step back, not wanting him to touch me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice flat as I feel a yawn coming on.

"Can't a guy see his girlfriend?" He slurs as he stumbles into the room and reaches for me again.

"Stop it." I slap his hands away as he paws at my vest. "I haven't heard from you since you yelled in my face." I can feel my voice getting more and more irate, "and all you want is to paw and grope at me?"

Enzo scoffs and huffs, practically rolling his eyes at me and my reaction.

"You're kidding, right?" He slurs as he flops down on the sofa and rests his head in his hands.

"No, I'm not kidding." I say firmly, crossing my arms as I stare down at him.

"You can't behave like this Enzo, not in a mature relationship."

"Well maybe I don't want a mature relationship anymore!" Enzo practically explodes.

My knees weaken and my heart creaks in pain but doesn't quite shatter. Shaking my head in disbelief, too tired and too frustrated to deal with this right now, I stalk out of the room and into mine.

Throwing myself on the bed, I stare up at the ceiling and take deep breaths as everything creaks and aches in my chest.

I refuse to cry, not while Enzo is still in the house. I can't show him how much it hurts, not now, not every.

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