34- A Big Fucking Mess

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After hours of organising and planning, Marco and I move stealthily through the containers placing explosives on each one

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After hours of organising and planning, Marco and I move stealthily through the containers placing explosives on each one. My adrenaline still hasn't gone down from when I saw my baby sister injured and one of my men in surgery. Angelo Bernardi has messed with my family for the last time, I will make him pay.

"That's all of them, boss." Marco whispers through the headset.

"let's blow these fuckers sky high." I reply, checking the magazine of my gun once again, a nervous habit of mine.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice from the dark drawls.

Roman Bernardi.

He steps from the shadows, his face clouded in darkness and storms, and faces me. He's dressed in a black suit and an arrogant smirk.

"Enzo Russo, the capo." He sneers, "tell me, how is dear old dad?"

"None of your fucking business." I snarl, clenching the gun in my hand tightly.

The only reason I haven't shot him dead is the chance that I could hit one of the explosives, it would set off a chain reaction that would kill everyone of my men, and myself.

"Touchy." Roman replies as he walks slowly towards me. "And how is little Sophia?"

He's taunting me, tricking me into talking so he can buy his father enough time to stop this.

"Shut it." I hiss.

"And why would I do that, Russo? It's so easy to get you riled up." He drawls, lazily buttoning his shirt sleeve as if he had all the time in the world.

"And that little girlfriend of yours?"

My blood freezes in my veins, if Roman knows about Lucy, that means Angelo does too.

"I hear she's a proper little spitfire."

"Shut it." I grit out. The idea of burning everyone in this room suddenly doesn't feel like such a bad idea, as long as Roman dies.

"English, isn't she? I wonder if she will keep fucking you once she knows the truth."

"You keep her out of your thoughts, Roman, I swear to fucking god if you even think about her again, I'll have you on your knees, begging for your life."

"Nah," he smirks, messing with a knife, balancing it on one hand, "I don't beg on my knees for anyone. Miss Greene, however, I would love to see on her knees."

"You fucker!" I boom, feeling all the control in my body lunge after his disappearing figure.

I raise the gun, wanting to cut down his laughter as he walks from the warehouse, clicking his finger to call off his men, but Marco stops me.

"Are you fucking insane?" He slams into me, knocking the gun from my hand, "you'll kill us all!"

"He deserves to die!" I scream as I thrash on the concrete floor.

"I know, but not at the cost of your life, or mine. We'll get him boss. We'll get all of them."

Once I've stopped attacking him, my adrenaline drops and I realise who I need to see.

"You're right. You're right." I pant, shoving Marco off me and getting to my feet.

Dusting off my suit, I point to the detonator, "get this shit done." I order.

"Yes sir." Marco replies but he keeps looking at me, waiting for any other orders.

Straightening my jacket, I pull out my phone and see the time, I'm four hours late for my dinner with Lucy. There are missed calls from 3 hours ago, but nothing after that, like she just gave up.

Cursing, I leave Marco to finish the job and run back to my car. Once I'm flying down the roads, I use the hands free to try and call her, but all I get is her voicemail. After 8 or 9 tries, I give up. Hoping instead to explain it to her face, I toss my phone on the passenger seat and speed through an amber light.

"Lucy! Sweetheart!" I holler as I slam my fist against her door.

Still, she doesn't answer.

"Lucy, please." I beg, "let me explain. I can explain everything, I promise."

"Oh I'm sure you can Enzo!" Her voice snaps back, making me jump and flinch, "but right now, I'm pissed and you need to leave."

"Let me try this again, please baby. I love you." I beg, knowing in my heart that Lucy isn't listening.

She's too angry. Of course, I completely understand why, but it doesn't make it any easier.

Sighing, I let my arms drop off I my sides as I take a few deep breaths before speaking again.

"I'll be back here tomorrow at 5 o'clock. And then I'll tell you everything, I promise."

"Whatever Enzo." She snaps back, but it gives me a tiny sense of hope. She is still standing outside the door, still listening to me, and that gives me a hope I probably shouldn't have.

Turning on my heel, I walk down the corridor of the apartment complex and head down the stairs to find Marco waiting for me.

"It done?" I ask, not looking at him.

"Burnt to the fucking ground, but that's now why I'm here."

I don't reply. Instead I stare past him at the vast expanse of the midnight sea, remembering how it felt when Lucy and I went skinny dipping.

"Alex is awake and he remembers everything about the shooting."

"Take me to him." I demand, already moving towards the waiting car with a burning determination in my heart.

No matter how much I love Lucy, I have to protect my family now, above all else I have to protect them.

No matter how much I love Lucy, I have to protect my family now, above all else I have to protect them

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