19. Laughing Eyes

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You and one of your Pokémon are walking towards the Pink Line when you encounter, at the corner of a corridor, a scared little girl holding very tightly a Buneary plushie. She seems on the verge of crying.

You examine her for a few seconds, and her sad eyes call out to you. 

You stop as you are becoming aware that she is unaccompanied.


She yelps and looks away, trembling like a leaf.

You put a knee down to be at her level.

"Are you alone?"

She does not reply and gives you and your Pokémom a sideways glance, afraid.

"Oh, I bet your parents taught you not to talk to strangers, didn't they? I am (Name), and this is--"

As you are about to introduce your Pokémon, she sniffles and clear tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"M-m-mum-m-mummy-mummy... I-I I... L-l-lost, mm-mmu...", she hiccoughs, making it difficult to understand her.

"Did you lose your mum?"

She nods vehemently.

"Mummy will come back for you! Let's wait together here, all right?"


"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Bunny! Your Buneary looks very cuddly! Does he have a name?"

"I-it's B-Baby..."

"Your Baby! I'm sure he's very strong! It must know so many good abilities already!"

She cracks a faint smile and wipes her eyes dry.

She moves closer to your Pokémon who emits a comforting sound to reassure her. After patting it, she exclaims:

"Woah! So pretty!"

Your partner rejoices after hearing such words.

"Thanks, Bunny! Look how glad it is!"

"Good day, Passenger (Name)!", a familiar voice greets you gleefully.

"Ah! Subway Boss Ingo!"

What a pleasant surprise! You smile from ear to ear seeing him approaching.

You notice a twinkle in his eyes when he looks at you. Although his lips are not showing any emotion, his facial expression is soft and friendly.

"Is everything all right, Passenger (Name)?"


Bunny looks even more frightened than ever at the sight of this tall stranger.

"Mister Ingo, this is Bunny. She got lost, and we are now waiting for her mother."

"I see!"

He bends over and puts his hands on his thighs.

"Good day, Miss Bunny! I am the Subway Boss, Ingo! Pleasure to meet y--"

She suddenly bursts into tears.

He immediately squats and reaches out to her.

"I-it is going to be okay, I swear! Let us go to the counter and make an announcement..."

She bawls so noisily that your Pokémon begins to feel uncomfortable.

"M-my apologies Miss, I... I...", he stammers, discomfited.

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