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Steve woke up to his alarm. He barely got any sleep. He had woken up a few times because of his nightmares. He smacked his alarm clock sleepily until it shut up then he stood up.

He dreaded going to school. Everyday was the same. He would go in,get picked on by everyone,go to basketball practice, get the crap beaten out of him by Tommy H, then head home. It was an endless cycle. All because he was no longer "King Steve".

He changed so much and dumped all his asshole friends. The school wasted no time crowning Billy Hargrove as the new king of Hawkins High. Steve had lost all his friends. He used to be known as the Rich asshole who everyone loved but now he's the guy who's a babysitter and doesn't have any friends his age.

As soon as he walked into the school,Tommy was right on his tail. "Still hurting from fridays beating Harrington?" Tommy's annoying voice echoed through the crowded halls. "Screw off Tommy I don't have time for your bullshit today" Steve said, just trying to walk to his locker in peace. "What you gotta go play with your freak friends" Tommy said. "Don't call them that" Steve growled at Tommy,starting to get irritated.

He does well at keeping his cool but at least once a week he snaps at Tommy. Steve slammed his locker shut and started to walk off, tucking his books under his arm. Tommy took a handful of his shirt and pulled him back. He pushed him to the ground.

"You ain't getting away that easy Harrington" Tommy snarled. "What do you want from me" Steve said calmly. Tommy didn't have an answer. He didn't know,all he wanted to do was hurt him but he didn't have a reason. The bell rang and everyone started to rush to class as to not be late. Steve picked himself up off the ground and walked to his class, making it away from Tommy through the crowd.

His classes came and went. His anxiety was through the roof. Even though it's been so calm and quiet he couldn't shake the feeling that they were still in danger, that there was still more monsters out there just lingering in the shadows, waiting for him to show himself.

"Mr.Harrington!" Steve heard his teacher yell. Steve looked up. "Are you paying attention" she asked. "Sorry I fell asleep again" he said. "Is my class that boring" she asked angrily. "No ma'am I just have a bad sleep schedule" he said.

Part of him wanted to say yes. Because it was. He learned stuff he already knew every year. She continued on with the lesson after shaking her head and muttering something under her breath. He could feel everyone's eyes on him. He rested his head on the desk and watched as she continued the lesson.

The bell rang and Steve was the first one to get up and leave. He rushed out and tried to leave as fast as he could before Tommy could find him. He hated school. It used to be ok but it's basically pointless now that he has no friends to hangout with.

He ran to his locker and tossed his stuff in. Before he could shut it someone else did. It was Tommy. "Just leave me alone" Steve groaned. "What's the fun in that" Tommy said with a squeaky voice, grabbing Steve by his hair and throwing him into the lockers. Steve just wanted to go outside and eat lunch with the kids.

Tommy punched him a few times before walking off, getting annoyed that Steve didn't react. Steve went to the bathroom and washed off the blood that was now dripping from his nose. The bruise around his eye and cheek from last week had almost healed so that was good. But now he has more bruises added to the pile. There wasn't much he could do to hide them.

He walked outside after grabbing his lunch. He saw Nancy and Jonathan sitting with the party at the old picnic table. They didn't notice Steve, they were too busy with their own conversation. Steve took small bites of his food. He felt so alone even though everyone he cares about was there. After he finished his food, still unnoticed by the group, he just laid his head down,tucking his face into his arms so no one could see.

Suddenly he heard a slight gasp. He couldn't tell who it was from. He didn't lift his head. He didn't feel like it. Besides he didn't want them to see his face. "Steve! When did you get here" he heard Nancy say. "I've been here for a little bit" he mumbled,still not looking up.

Everyone knew something was wrong. He used to be so happy and carefree. Now he's constantly in fear and let's everyone push him around. It hurt for everyone to look at. They missed the old Steve. Not the asshole old Steve but the one who was happy, who didn't care what everyone thought.

"Hey Harrington!" Steve heard Tommy yell. He winced and finally looked up. Everyone looked at his fresh bruises. They were used to seeing him like that now. Steve saw Tommy standing at the doorway. The bell rang and he watched as Tommy smirked and stood in the way of one of the doors. Everyone got up except Steve. "Steve c'mon you've gotta get to class" Mike said. Steve got up. He followed the group,trying to stay in the middle so Tommy couldn't drag him away.

It didn't work. Tommy grabbed him and pulled Steve towards him, slamming his head into the pole in-between the two doors in the process. Steve yelped. "Hey!" Jonathan yelled, yanking Steve away from Tommy. The party and Nancy all watched. Tommy just smirked as jonathan walked away with Steve.

Steve could never catch a break from him. Jonathan was his only protection but he didn't even have any classes with Jonathan so there was only so much he could do, and he doesn't do basketball either. It's worse during practice. The entire team constantly picks on him. Hurting him when the coach doesn't see. Billy is the only one who doesn't do that but he knows Billy isn't fond of him either. Billy has beaten him close to death once.

Finally the last bell rang. That didn't mean anything to Steve. He still had to face the asshole during practice. He didn't want to go. But he had to. The coach would be mad if Steve didn't show.

As soon as he walked through the doors the rude comments started. He just walked to the lockers and got changed then walked back out. They were just practicing on their own today. He grabbed a ball and practiced in the corner hoping they would just leave him alone for once. He felt someone staring at him. Watching him. He looked up and scanned the room. The only one looking at him was Billy.

Steve saw how Billy's face changed when he looked back at him so he quickly looked down. Tommy was bad but if he pissed off Billy he wouldn't make it out alive. Billy nearly killed him that day. If max hadn't stuck him with the needle Steve would've probably been dead.

It doesn't take much to set Billy off. You could look at him wrong and then boom, you're as good as dead. "Alright boys hit the showers!" The coach yelled before blowing his whistle. Steve survived the actual practice now all he had to do was survive the shower room.

He walked in and quickly made his way over to a shower. He turned it on to hot and let the steaming hot water fall on him. It felt great. "Harrington!" He heard Tommy's annoying voice yell. He opened one eye and saw Tommy and the rest of the team crowding him. Great.

Tommy took the lead being the first to hit Steve then it was just a blur. Kicks, punches, pushes, everything imaginable. Steve was on the ground, not doing anything to block the attack or to try and fight back. He didn't care. This was the usual now.

He heard a crack after someone kicked his side. Right around his rib. He screamed when he felt the shooting pain from the rib. That didn't stop them, they kept hitting him. They were never content. They always wanted more.

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