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//third person pov//
"Princess Tessia!" Claire shouted, "is it true that you know the new professor coming in?"
Tessia glanced at Claire then at the rest of the dc committee, "why do you think that?" she answered blankly.

Clive then stood up completely overtaking the conversation not allowing the comittee to hear the princess. He was yelling about how the "new professor" will never be good enough for the princess as he is not of noble blood.

The princess then loudly intercepted, "since when were you allowed to decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to talk to me Clive"

Clive then stuttered trying to explain his bullsh*t reasonings while she stared coldly into his soul. "Well p-princess T-tessia is an i-important person that sh-should only be with people of n-noble blood."

Tessia glared at him while responding, "is your d*ck really that small that your personality had to compensate for it?" Clive turned beet red as the dc officers started to howl in laughter.

Clive screamed how his penis would be so much larger than that pitiful commoner which invited disgusted and confused gazes from students among them. Princess, no president Tessia turned away from the screaming ball of fire wondering when she should get him kicked off the council. He was lazy, demading, bossy, cocky, rude and worst of all, a piece of sh*t.

Her aura had darkened as she thought of all the times Clive had tried to court her switching from begging to yelling to apologising. She instead turned her mind to a different subject, one that was the opposite of the b*stard.

//Tessia's pov//


He was my one true love, my boyfriend and my childhood friend. I was finally going to see after years of letters and small meetings! I felt a wave of excitement rush through me. In two days he would come to Xyrus and I can't wait until he comes!! It's been so long though... what if he lost interest? W-what if he likes someone else? Oh no he might be coming to tell me he doesn't like me anymore. This is going to be a long two days.


//Arthur's pov//
'Sylv what do you think Tess looks like now?' I transmitted to my adopted daughter. She looked at me with a familiar face, I groaned and replied "we're already dating, what more do you wantttt?!"
"I want siblings!"
I sighed, going back to imaging her face, this was the first time in a few years that I've seen her. It was also the longest time I had been without her... I missed her.

"If you miss mama that much, why don't you just say that" Sylv teased.
"Fine, I miss your mama" I mumbled. "What if there was someone bothering her though? I mean she talked about a guy named Clive who kept proposing to her... Sylv how much longer?"
"Not much papa"
"Good, I want to see her"


//Claire's pov//
Now it's finally time to see the rumoured boyfriend of the princess. From all the gossip I've deduced that he is amazingly handsome, apparently drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

That's probably just a rumour though as EVERYTHING is exaggerated in gossip. He can't be better looking than Curtis or Theo. Could he? If it's to the point that president Tessia likes him, he may be. Why am I thinking about this? This is pointless. I'll just see him and then I'll decide. I walk towards the door revealing the rest of the students, I wonder how well the professor's gonna teach.


//Arthur's pov//
I heard the door open showing a very happy Cynthia Goodsky. "Arthur! I heard you defeated another S-class dungeon by yourself. Very impressive. I'm glad Tessia has a strong boyfriend like you." she delightedly spoke in sweet tone that would make honey seem bitter.

"Director, I hope you know the only reason I'm here is because of Tess," I blankly stared at her as she grinned. "Of course I know that Arthur, that's why I said you can have as much time with her after the class finishes." It was then my turn to grin.

"Then shall we walk to my new class?"

"We shall, Arthur."


//Third person pov//
As Arthur and Director Goodsky walk down the halls, whispers start to arise. An unknown person walking with the Director of the most prestigious schools would be juicy gossip for students deprived of any entertainment. Not to mention the boys good looks. His auburn hair and azure eyes would make any girl turn to look his way, but he only look to one, his beautifu, gorgeous and stunning girlfriend, Tessia Eralith.

He became very excited with every step, his pace quickening as he came closer to the door. He could not wait to see his beloved. As they both came to a stop in front of the one thing dividing him and Tess, Arthur raised his arm reaching for the door then pushing it open. His eyes were met with a mesmerising turquoise eyes...

"Hi Tess, I'm back"


The dc committee and student council turned their heads towards the door as a man with a strong build, auburn hair and ocean blue eyes come through the door with a very joyful looking director.

The person stared directly into his students looking for someone with gunmetal hair. Thankfully she was there. The girl he wanted to see the most since he had gotten the request. His heart screamed joyfully as his stomach filled up with butterflies. She had changed but still looked the same... however she was still his princess, the most beautiful person in every room. His love, girlfriend, best friend. She was there standing in front of him with small tears glistening in her eyes almost begging to come out.

"Hi Tess, I'm back"

//Arthur's pov//
I felt a rush euphoria as I saw her; that familiar face sprinting towards me, jumping in my arms. While I was wrapping my hands around her waist, I picked her up spinning her around. I smiled so brightly it could make the sun blind. As I came to a stop, I gently kissed her lips while her tears finally dropped down to her cheeks.

I felt stares directing towards me and a weak killing intent, but right now Tessia was more important than anything.

Tessia rubbed her face into my neck as I softly whispered into her ear. "It's nice to see you, I missed you so much my love."

"I missed you too," Tessia hummed.

//Claire's pov//
'THAT'S THE NEW PROFESSOR??' I screamed internally. He was better looking than all the guys combined. I turned to look at the others just to see all of them shocked at the sight before them. President Tessia was not her cold and monotone self, instead she seemed almost child-like as she clung herself onto her, boyfriend?

"I'm guessing the rumours true then huh" Curtis mumbled breaking the silence.

"Yeah..." the rest of the group agreed, watching the couple now put their foreheads together and smile.

Clive seemed to die as he crumbled down to his knees with a pale expression. He tried many times to marry to no avail and now he was able to see why.

//Cynthia's pov//
"Ok, that's enough sappy stuff. Save the reunion till later you have a class to teach Arthur."

"Ok let's save the reunion till later, darling" Arthur smiled.


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