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//Ellie's pov//
Dammit, another 62%. I barely passed this time... Well I mean it's better than failing.

"Eleanour Leywin, I would like to speak to you for a second."

Ugh what does he want now. "Yes professor?"

"Eleanour, I am very disappointed. Your brother got a hundred on this test."

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not my brother."

"I feel bad for your parents. One child is absolutely amazing. A quadra-elementalist and the other can barely pass her classes."

"Don't speak about my parents."

"Why don't you study harder? I've given you multiple sheets? I've done so many practise tests with you. You've failed almost every test. Even projects you barely make it. You're basically passing by one or two marks." The professor sighs, "I know you're not your brother but how can the both of you be so different?"

I lower my head... I'm so tired. I've been studying for this test for weeks... I tried so hard...

Brother barely studies and he gets 100% yet when I study my hardest to the point I almost faint, all I can get is a 78%. I want to go home... I have no talent in magic, I don't even have an elemental affinity, I can only control mana and it's shape. I can't even study. How am I so embarassing?

Everytime someone asks about brother, mum and dad can talk for hours about how proud they are about him and his achievements... When people ask about me they change the subject... They have nothing to say about me.

"...nour... Leanour... Eleanour!"

I flinch, "Yes professor?"

"You can't even listen well. You can't do anything right!"


"Am I wrong?" Professor yells.

"Yes you are," someone chimes in.

"T-Tessia Eralith? T-To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Jeez, what a suck up. Why is she here though, she's president so she must be busy and she would have class right now. Why did she cut in? He's right so why did she say he's not.

//third person's pov//

"Professor Wheeler, how dare you speak like that towards Eleanour. Who do you think you are? Professors should help their students not discourage them. Don't be suprised when a b*stard like you loses their job. Get lost." Tessia spat.

"I-I was just having a one on one conversation with her. I-I would never discourage my students! Y-You dare have the audacity of a-accusing me is just hurtful." The professor scowled.

"Drop the f*cking act or I'll get the Director and her family involved," Tessia retorted back glaring into the person's eyes.

The thought of having the prodigy fourteen year old release his killing intent on him was enough to make the professor back down. "Fine but it's the truth. Why isn't she as good as her brother?"

Elleanour's blood boiled. Everytime she did something it would be overshadowed with Arthur's accomplishments. She awakened at nine, he awakened at three. She got a 78%, he got a 100%. She won a fight, he won hundreds. Everything in her life would always be covered, hidden, below everything Arthur has done.

To everyone anything she did wasn't good enough.


"Uh, yes?"

Tessia sighed as she reached her hand over to grasp Ellie's. "She is just as good as her brother. Just because you are too thickheaded to see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Well, I can't say the same about your intelligence." Tessia glared.

The professor then turned bright red and walked away fuming.

Tessia then held Ellie's hand and pulled her towards the closest building which was the Dc meeting room.

As they entered Tessia asked, "are you okay Eliie?"

"Hmm? It's fine..." Ellie mumbled back.

"I didn't ask if it was fine, I asked if you were okay."

"Uh, well I'm... I'm..." Ellie started to trail off.

"Hey, it's okay to not be fine. It's okay to feel like a total failure at times. But you need to speak out, tell someone how you're feeling. If you can't tell your parents or Art you can always talk to me." Tessia reassured.

Ellie's eyes started to water, "I-I'm not okay!" She cried, "everyone expects me to be like brother! I'm not him, I'm weak and stupid and I'm not confident at all!" She started to hiccup as she went on, "everyone looks at him with envy and they admire how powerful he is while everyone looks at me with pity. Am I that pathetic?" She sniffled.

Tessia listened wordlessly before wrapping Ellie into her embrace. "You're not pitiful or pathetic. You have different strengths. You both learn at different paces, you just need some extra help. It's okay to need help. There are so many people that are willing to help you... There are so many people who love you unconditionally."

"B-but everyone compares him to me even my teachers! They're all so disappointed..." Ellie spluttered.

"Do you know who is so proud of you?"

"Who? Who could ever be proud of me?" Ellie scoffed.

"Art... Arthur is so proud of you. Whenever we're together and you come up he looks so happy. He is so prideful of his little sister. He has so much to say about you, how well you're doing, how smart you are, how hardworking you are. He seriously couldn't stop talking about you. All he cares about is how hard you're working. He sees you for how hard you work and that's why he helps you. He loves you Ellie. "

"As if, I bet he's disgusted by me, I bet he wishes he had a better sister. One who doesn't embarass him." Ellie mumbled.

"You can ask Elijah, Lilia, Claire, Curtis, Kathlyn literally everyone he knows and they'll say he's so unbelievably proud of you. Trust me. He loves you to the point that he would kill himself ten times over to make you happy. He's proud of you Ellie." Tessia explained.

"R-really? He i-isn't embarrassed of having a sister l-like me?" She whimpered.

"He's so proud to have a sister like you. A loving, hardworking amazing sister," Tessia smiled releasing Ellie from her embrace.

"Sis, what are you doing here?"

"Brother? S-since where were you here?" Ellie stuttered in a panicked tone.

"Like just then. Are you crying??" Arthur shouted, "who was it? Was it a boy? A teacher? Who?! I'm gonna kill them." Arthur released a bit of killing intent.

"No it was nothing... thanks brother," Ellie ran into his arms.

"Uhm, no problem?" Arthur returned the hug turning to Tessia with a confused look. She shook her head denying answering any questions he may have until later.

"I love you brother..."

"Uh, love you too?"

I got covid.
it sucks cuz im in the middle of doing an assignment and i cant do my science exam until after everyone else does it which will put me behind everyone when we're doin our lab report. 🙃🙃
And my entire body hurts 😭😭

so im very annoyed. 😒

anyway who else can relate to Ellie rn? 🥲


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