Author's note

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Hi everyone :)

Thank you for all your support in my book!

I've finished holidays and starting my second semester so I've been stressed.

I have to get used to my schedule, I have alot of stuff going on so I'm really tired. I also want to hang out with my friends more which means I have to have more time to do that.

I started this book cuz I thought it'd be fun and not that hard... wow how wrong was I?

I've also started a diff book (I havent published yet) which is also taking alot out of me and so I'm getting less sleep. I also have alot of ideas that are in my drafts and I have a few requests so I'm overwhelmed. I'm trying to stay calm instead of spiraling because if I do that I won't be able to do anything.

Writing is really fun but also time consuming and draining. I also have my eistedfod (idk how to spell 😭) in a few weeks so I'm like panicking cuz I'm like the shy introverted type so I'm screwed 👍👍

My grades also dropped from last year so I'm trying to get them back up bcuz well it's one of the most important things in my life.

Anyways, imma take a break for a while until next month maybe, to get organised, study more and practise.

I'll be back with Love blooms p.t.2 sometime :)


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