Our dying love

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Double update

Arthur: 17
Tessia: 18

//Arthur's pov//
"Finally... Ellie can go to a school normally, Tess can become queen, mum can finally rest with no stress, gramps can finally see his grandaughter with no anxiety...

Even if I'm not there...

As blood gushes out of my wound I see Ellie stare at me with dread and panic arising in her eyes. My eyes became blurry while I see Ellie sprint towards me dragging mum with her.

"BROTHER! D-don't you dare die!" she stuttered with terror engulfing her emotions. Mum just leaned over me trying to heal me but no emitter of any kind, even deities will not be able to save me. I knew that so I held her hands instead, my breathing slowing.

"Mum, thank you for always staying by my side... From when I was a child to now, thank you for making me a better person. I love you. Please take care of yourself and Ellie... I will watch over both of you with dad." I mumbled.

She answered with a nod, "thank you for being my son, I love you."

"Find Tess for me," I pleaded.

Mum rushed off and I turned to Ellie, "Sister, my beautiful sister, I love you," I breathed with a smile. "Take care of mum but also take care of yourself... Do anything that makes you happy and don't be afraid to ask for help. If you ever feel not good enough remember your more than I could have ever wished for, as a sister, person and mage."

Ellie sobbed as I raised my arm patting her head.


"My love," I turned my gaze toward her as her gunmetal hair flowed with dried blood blackening the tips. She hugged me tightly, "don't leave me... don't leave your mum, sister, grandpa... don't go please," she begged.

"Tess look after yourself... your bound to make mistakes, but no matter what mistake you make I will always love you. No matter what. Look after Sylv for me when I'm gone." I whispered.

"I'm sorry..."

"If your sorry, don't go."

I finally let the tears fall, "I don't want to die, I don't want to... We finally finished the war, I want to spend time with you, Ellie and mum and gramps and everybody but I can't do that. I don't want to die," I weeped. "Don't let me die, please. I don't want to!"

As Tess allowed my head to rest on her neck she let out a few tears of her own while whimpering. "I want you to stay as well, I don't want you to die, I don't want you to go," she hiccuped.

"Don't let me go please, I want to stay, I want to be with you and everybody else! I don't want to leave, don't let me leave please," I cried letting all my emotions out. I clung onto her with the smallest amount of hope I had. "I want to be here with you..."

//third person's pov//
As their tears streamed down their face, the Lances came bowing, thanking the person in front of them. The person, the boy not even an adult had faced such hardships that the adults should have taken care of. One human, one lesser, one child, one teenager on the verge of death. Instead of an invincible Lance they saw a boy bawling his eyes out clutching onto his love.

The Lances realised they had failed. The 'strongest people of the Dicathan' had failed the 17 year old boy who had taken the responsibility of the war that had taken so many lives and soon his own.

He had risked his life and was about to lose it just to fix a mess they should have stopped. They had caused his last few years of his life training, fighting, killing, hurting, stressing. They felt the guilt of killing someone that should have had a long life.

The Lances had broken this family, the least they could do was to get everyone he cared about to be here with him but they couldn't as they let his father die in battle. The Lances couldn't do anything but dump everything on this little boy's shoulders.

Arthur's breathing started to get slower and slower, inhlaing smaller and smaller amount of oxygen and his eyelids started to fall.



Virion and Sylvie ran towards him, eyes shadowed with grief and pain.

"Sylvie. Thank you for staying by my side, thank you tor helping me realise my emotions, thank you for loving me as your father. I love you and always will... You've grown so much, Sylvia would be proud..." Arthur raises his head to look at his adopted daughter with a heart-warming smile.

"Thank you for raising m-me, papa..."

Arthur turns his gaze onto Virion, tears  glistening as he almost whispered, "thanks for everything gramps... Thank you for allowing a commoner like me love you granddaughter and thank you for training me and treating me like your own..."

"I never thought twice about it, I trust you brat... Arthur."

"That just sounds weird old man," Arthur laughed.

//Alice's pov//
I watched my son close his eyes while he leaned into Tessia's arms. If only I had more time. If only I didn't think twice about him being reincarnated, because the person I see in front of me is my son, my child who had suffered so much.

He's my child and yet I pushed him away, I stopped myself and him to spend time with each other. The time I have with him should've been longer... I should have been the one to die first. My time with him shouldn't stop now!

So why is it already over?

I don't want him to leave, I can't have him leave... I haven't watched him get married to Tessia, I haven't watched him with my grandchildren, I haven't watched him lead a happy life yet. He can't die.

I don't want him to die!

I watch my boy cuddle into Tessia's neck; the war has ended so why is he dying? He shouldn't be dying... It's finished so why, why, why.

My son's breathing is slowing as Tessia kisses his nose, putting their foreheads together whispering something in his ear.

All the tension in his body is released as the words leave who would've been my daughter-in-law.

"Goodbye, Arthur, my son..."

//Arthur's pov//
I feel lips rest gently against my nose and someone rests their forehead against mine. It feels nice, it's gentle...

"Arthur, my love, it'll be okay... I'll look after everyone you love so don't worry, you can relax. Have a safe journey... Art I love you..."

"I love you too Tess..."

I let my body ease as I let a few stray tears drop. My body starts to get pulled up while consciousness starts to slip.

'Can I relax now?'

I really like angst if you couldnt tell.  :)

If this is what happens in the novel imma sue turtleme

Any critisism?


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