New love P.T.2 (Kathlyn x Arthur)

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//Kathlyn's pov//
I'm actually going on a date! With Arthur as well! I hope it goes well. Anxiety swirled around my mind, 'what if he doesn't like the way I dress? What if I'm too boring? What if I'm not good enough? So many girls like his good looks and his personality... They think he's a 'bad boy' when in reality he's really sweet.'

"Kath, you okay?"

"Oh Arthur, yes I'm okay I was just deep in thought," I blushed in embarrassment.

"Well then, shall we?" Arthur asked as he raised his hand.

"W-We shall" I respond putting my hand on his.

The dusky sky turned almost pitch black when we finished our dc meeting but that didn't stop us from going to the nearby stalls.

We got beef stew as we both didn't have dinner. The sky now glowed with the beautiful moonlight and stars shining through the stratosphere.

Arthur pulled my hand dragging me to shops and stalls. We had many desserts and we talked about books and mana. When we finished, he proceeded to take me through the woods.

//third person's pov//
Arthur held Kathlyn's hand directing her somewhere while asking, "do you want to see something cool?"

"Sure, where are we going?" Kathlyn asked.

"You'll see," Arthur winked.

The pair started to walk towards the top of the mountain. Halfway through Arthur had used a wind spell to lift them up to the top.

Tiny glowing lights scattered across the pitch black sky as we reached the highest point of the mountain. The stars shone gently but with the amount there was, they lighted up the entire atmosphere.

Kathlyn stared, her mouthe agape as she sat down. "It's magnificent," she breathed.


The two stargazed until Arthur broke the silence that had been covering them.

"Um, Kathlyn?"


"Kathlyn, will you be my girlfriend?" He handed me a bouquet of flowers he had been hiding in his dimension ring. (can't remember if that was the word or not😭)

//Kathlyn's pov//

Bright lilacs with lavenders and late purple asters in a bouquet with laces; they were beautiful. Arthur had a small blush warming his cheeks while raising the flowers just above my hands.

"O-Of course," I stuttered. This was such a bad time to not be able to speak properly, I mentally slapped myself. His eyes lit up just the same as those words came out.



Arthur pulled me into a hug while he put his lips on my forehead. He smiled, brighter than all the stars combined.

"How did you know purple was my favourite colour?"

"I asked your brother," he smiled, "I also asked for permission because I didn't want him to be surprised when you told him."

"S-so he knows?"

"Well, he kinda yelled it out soooo... the entire dc committee know."


He pulled me in tighter as he smiled, "I also asked him what your dream date would be and that turned out to be dancing in the moonlight. So, may I have this dance? He stepped away raising his arm.

"You may," I take his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. He puts his other hand on my waist, closing the distance between us as we dance across the mountain. Happiness glowed within me while I laughed like a child. It felt like a dream.

Really short chap this time, I had no motivation for some reason😭😭

i rushed so there will be a few mistakes 😅

Also i'm prob going to update every week or so now, before i updated every 2 or 3 days so this is a change.

any critisism, like on my grammer?

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