Love blooms (Varay x Arthur)

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Requested by @Bbbnbghnn

i updated a day early cuz i was bored since im on holidays which will end on monday 😭😭😭😭

Arthur and Varay will be the same age in this oneshot.

Arthur: 26
Varay: 26


//third person's pov//
"So now we will be introducing the new lance. He didn't use the artifact, so none of the councilmen and women will be his representative even though he is a HUMAN." Blaine emphasised.

"We will not be discussing this issue again Blaine," Alduin replied, "anyway we would like the you all to meet him as you will be asked to go to missions and will be training with him."

The Lances looked at each other with curiosity sparking in their eyes.

The doors flew open as the the members of the council announced him.

"His name is Arthur Leywin."

//Varay's pov//
'Arthur Leywin?' No there's no way, it must be someone else. He couldn't be a white core mage. He was at dark silver last time I checked.

To my disbelief, the same auburn hair with azure eyes walked in.


The council and the other Lances snapped their head towards me. "Babe??" They all questioned.

"Hi Varay!" Arthur cheerfully smiled.

I've known him for years and he kept this hidden from me? For how long?

"Ahem," Elder Virion interrupts my thoughts, "anyway, Arthur is the first quadra-elementalist and the strongest Lance so we will be putting each of you in a training session with him. No matter how degrading it is to be taught by someone younger than all of you please do the best you can."

With that the council left allowing the Lances to stare at both me and Arthur.

"You two are dating??" They exclaimed.

"You didn't tell me you could control all four elements. You didn't tell me you are a white core mage. You didn't tell me you were were becoming a Lance." I spoke in an accusatory tone, poking my finger into his chest.

Arthue chuckled nervously, "I wanted it to be a surprise!"

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close, "are you mad?"

I arch my back to look him in the eyes while blushing a little, "not mad just... yeah mad."

//third person's pov//
The Lances other than Varay and Arthur stare at them eyes wide as they have never seen Varay with a boyfriend or even a man.

"W-when did you two... how did you two," Mica trailed off.

"About two years ago and I had gone adventuring with her and became friends first before dating," Arthur replied while blushing. "Anyway the training thing will start tomorrow and I'll be training Aya first, so I'm gonna leave since there isn't much to do right now," Arthur turned his haze back to Varay, "I'll see you later."

Arthur leaned his forehead into hers and softly kissed her.

As he turned and walked away, Aya started giggling.

"What?" Varay questioned.

"He's hot."


"I have the first training session with him... alone," Aya smirked.

"Aya, he has a girlfriend who is stronger than you," Alea warned.

Aya winked at Varay, "you wouldn't mind if we shared him would you?"

Varay glared at Aya releasing her aura, "touch him and I'll rip out your trachea

Mica chimed in, "what's a trachea?"

"A trachea is in your throat which closes either the passage to the lungs or stomach," Bairon explained, "though I don't know why you'd go for the trachea and not her heart or something more important."

"I choose the trachea because if I rip out her's the chances are; I'll damage her vocal chords or cause fractures in the cartilage structure of the larynx. That, can cause air to escape into the neck and chest which leads to severe respiratory problems or death." Varay smiled sweetly.

Aya took a step back, intimidated from the aura, "fine I'll stop... for now."


Varay comes back to Arthur from a small meeting with the other Lances.

"I'm back!"

"Hi love," Arthur pulls Varay into a hug, "tired? Hungry?"

"Yes and no, can we cuddle?"

"Sure darling, couch or bed?"

"Bed please."


They both go into the bedroom and get under the covers as Varay wonders, 'why did he keep all of that a secret from me?'

"Arthur, why didn't you tell me about you becoming a lance or you being white core mage?"

"I didn't really think it was important. And many people try to use me because I'm strong so if I went done to silver core, they won't suck up to me but they'll be intimidated enough to not approach me." Arthur explained.

"But for 2 years??"

"A little extreme I know but I'd rather not get my feelings hurt, I really love you Varay." Arthur held her tighter.

//Varay's pov//
I felt myself smile which was unusual, I don't usually smile for people. Who is this man? How has he made me so happy in such a short amount of time?

All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He's sweet and kind and caring. He makes me smile, he's funny and just a beautiful person inside and out.

"I really love you too, Arthur," I snuggle into his arms futher encasing myself in his warmth. I truly love this man.

I hope u enjoyed this oneshot!
for some reason i dont have alot of motivation for ships that arent artxtess -_-

i will prob do a double update :)
any critisism?

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