Unrequited love

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//Kathlyn's pov//
I stare at the grand ball, hundreds of people surrounding me feeling so alone... it's not the first time though. My brother with his lady friends, Claire talking with Theodore and the rest. Arthur dancing with president Tessia...


Why does he like her? Why not me?

Am I not pretty enough, smart enough, not strong enough? Is it my expressions? The way I dress?

Am I not good enough?

The lights brighten and gleam mid-air as my peers start to dance. I see Tessia pull Arthur onto the dance floor bringing his arms onto her waist while wrapping hers around his nape.

I stare at them with longing in my eyes...

I'm younger than my brother but I'm stronger, I'm more mature than other's my age and even older, I'm smarter than most, I'm also a princess. I'm a deviant in ice, I'm not scared of commitment and I... like him.

So, why?

Why is he dancing with princess Tessia?

He talked to me despite my family bothering him time and time again. He made me laugh, he taught me to express myself and yet he seems to have no feelings for me.

I fell for him, but he fell for her...

If I was older, smarter, prettier, stronger, nicer, better. Would he love me back?

Pain spread across my body from my heart, tears on the verge of falling. Is this jealousy?


Why, why, why, why, why?

I fell dizzy, I think I'm going to puke... Why do I feel this way for someone who has absolutely no feelings for me? Why did I have to fall for someone I can't have?

The light shone in my eyes, almost blinding me but I kept staring at him... at them. She looked like an angel. Her gunmetal silver hair flowing as if she was floating. When the light turned onto her, she glowed. She seemed to be blessed by gods; her beauty coming second to none...
I know why he didn't love me, who would when they had a gift from the deities, someone of divine status...
It would be an insult to her if she was compared to me.

Tessia Eralith

I stumbled backwards, falling into someone.
"You okay there sis?"

I turn my head to see my brother who left his friends.

"Brother... Why does he not like me back?"

"Kath, stop mumbling. I can't hear you"

"Nevermind, I'm ok" I sighed, walking away.

My brother would never know the feeling of being hopelessly in love. He never fell for a women first and even if he did, no one would ever refuse him as he was apart of the royal family...

But so am I...

I turn my head to look at Arthur... His eyes, so playful yet so serious with a glow that only brightens when she's near...
If Tessia wasn't there, if you didn't meet eachother...
Would you be mine Arthur?

I turn my head away as I reach the balcony lost in thoughts.

Would you look at me the way you look at her?
Would you hold me in your arms if I was in her place?
Would you love me as I love you?

Would you?

Or would you look past me?
Glance at me with no interest?
If we were in a different universe, would you ever love me?

I shook my head, I already know the answer to that... I took a deep breathe staring into the inky black night with ribbons of moonlight streaking through.

If I kissed you, would you kiss back?
If I hugged you, would you hug back?
If I confessed to you, would you confess back?

The answer would be no.

But in another life, could you love me back?
Could you kiss me back?
Could you hug me back?
Could you confess back?

Would there ever be a time you love me and not her?
Would there ever be a time where you get lost in my dull eyes instead of her emerald ones?

Her beautiful silver hair that flows gracefully as mine falls...
Her gorgeous eyes shine and sparkle in the spotlight while mine darken...
Could anyone ever love my hair or get lost into my eyes while they have her?

It's obvious why you picked her, why you love her, why you rather her presence instead of mine.
I know why...

I just hoped it would be me.

You are my first love and you will continue to be, even though you will never love me back.  I can be ok with that...
I will be ok with that, one day.

But until then, I will drown in my sorrows.

I lean towards the edge of the balcony with a blank expression staring off to the beautiful dusky night sky. Tears finally start to spill onto my cheeks as I watch you and her dance. You both smiling so joyfully in each other's arms.
One day I will be ok with this.
One day I will find someone to be as happy with as you are with her.

I just wished that person was you, Arthur.

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