What's a soulmate?

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I'm back!!
With some ArtxTess!! Not angst cuz that would just be mean :)

//third person's pov//
The Leywin and Helstea family sat round chatting amongst one another.

"Lilia, brother, what's a soulmate?"

"A soulmate is someone that you are destined to love," Lilia answered.

"Lilia, do you belive in soulmates?" Ellie questioned.

"Not really," Lilia responded, "no two people are destined to be with each other."

"Brother, do you believe in soulmates?"

"Kind of," Arthur replied.

"What do you mean by that?" Ellie tilted her head.

"Well, I do believe that people are destined to be together but they have to make an effort to stay together. Being soulmates doesn't always mean they deserve the other person."

"Brother, do you have a soulmate?"

"I don't know."

"Well what do you think a soulmate is then?"

"A soulmate is... Like a bestfriend."

"A bestfriend?" Ellie stared at her brother puzzled.

"Someone who you're comfortable with, someone you know won't ever leave you."

"Ohhhhh, but a soulmate is a romantic relationship with kissing. You and Elijah might but that doesn't mean all friends do."

"Me and Elijah don't kiss," Arthur stated raising his hand and pushing it into her cheek.

"Sureeeee, anyway explain please," Ellie pleaded cuddling with Sylvie shifting away from his hand.

"Fine. A soulmate is a bestfriend but more. Someone who knows you better than anyone else in the world... someone who makes you a better person, well you do that yourself but they inspire you." Arthur explained.

"It's someone you want to impress but you also know they will love you inspite of your failures. A soulmate is someone who will stay throughout those failures, throughout your moods. They're someone who will respect and accept you for who you are."

Ellie shuffled her feet holding Sylvie closer while listening intently. Lilia and the rest started to become curious. Who is Arthur talking about? That thought was stuck in their minds as they watched the calm child who they thought had no interest in dating start to blush as he spoke.

"A soulmate... is someone who's pain hurts you. When they cry, you feel the hurt as if you were also crying. It's someone you want to save from any danger. It's someone you feel the need to protect while also knowing they don't need protection." Arthur smiled thinking of a certain elf princess.

"But when someone hurts them... Then you become so angry all common sense goes out the window. Their safety becomes your number one priority but once they're safe, you feel unimaginable rage. They're the only person that can stop you."

"Can we go back to the sappy stuff instead? This is boringgggg" Ellie grumbled.

"Okay. Stop slouching you look like an old man," Arthur retorted back eliciting a laugh from everyone around them.

"It's someone whom you feel a... pull to."

"Wha?" Ellie mumbled with a puzzled look on her face.

"That's when you always search for them in the crowd first, when you always find yourself staring at them, losing yourself into their eyes. Finding yourself in your own world when you see them smile, when you seem to only open up to them. When you feel your world brighten whenever they come into it..." Arthur stared of into space imagining her, his love. He had still not realised his feelings, how strong they were.

"A soulmate is when you... could melt in their arms without a care in the world. A soulmate is someone you would sacrifice your happiness for, someone you would work so hard for just to see their mood lighten up," He chuckled remembering Tess scream in delight when he had gotten her a gift during a festival in the Elven kingdom.

"Someone who completes you. You don't feel whole when they're not around. They're like your other half. When you see them... You feel yourself just become one. Like two puzzle pieces. You always want you two to be together." Arthur drifted into his thoughts thinking about when he lived at the Elven kingdom.

"Oh. So wil I ever have that?" Ellie mumbled, "especially with an overprotective brother who's strong enough to kill any guy in sight."

"No you will never have a boyfriend, not as long as I live," Arthur sighed.

"Why not? You have a princess," Ellie shot back.

"Me and Tess are just friends," Arthur retorted.

"As if, who were you just talking about huh?"

Arthur sealed his lips shut staring at Ellie, who was I talking about, he thought.

It can't be Tess... So is it Cecelia? No it can't be, I haven't even thought about her in years...

"Oh sh*t."

"Arthur! Do not swear while Ellie is here!" Alice scolded.

"Leave him alone mum, he just had an epiphyyyyy thingy."

"An epiphany?" Lilia corrected.

"Yes," Ellie smirked while turning to her older brother, "he just realised his feelings."

I'm back people!!

Finished my eisteddfod (learnt how to spell it ✨✨) and i have another competition i have to do in like three weeks. 🥲🥲

And in my eisteddfod I went over the time limit by like three seconds but I got disqualified 😭😭 so screw the judge person.

anyways ill be back with another oneshot soon...


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