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//Curtis's pov//
"So what I'm hearing is that you love her."

"I don't love Tess..."

I slam my hand on the table startling Arthur and sigh. How can one person be so dense. To anybody it would be obvious that he loves her. Arthur gave her a beast will and he still doesn't know he loves her back even though it's so painfully obvious.

Why is he holding back? Why is he refusing to admit his feelings, what is he so damn afraid of. He's even refusing to believe that she loves him.

"Why can't you f*cking realise your feelings for her?"

"We're just friends."

"If you guys are 'just friends' then Kathlyn isn't my sister."

"Seems like she isn't then."

I roll my eyes in almost painful annoyance.

//Arthur's pov//
Why can't Curtis just let it go that I don't love Tess, we're only friends. We're good friends, best friends, childhood friends. I can't love her, I'm almost triple her age right now mentally. (not sure how old he is, so this is a guess)

I can't, no I refuse to believe that I love her and I can't even fathom the idea of her liking me.

The only reason she cuddles up to me or is comfortable with me is because I saved her from slave traders when we were young. Its only because she feels safe and protected with me, that she 'likes' me.

"I don't like her."

"Why?" Curtis takes a step closer.

That caught me off guard, 'why?'

"Why don't you like her? Is it because you think you guys should only be friends? Or is it because you don't want to ruin your friendship if it doesn't work out? Or do you feel like you shouldn't?" Curtis questioned.

I stumble backwards eliciting stares from the rest of the dc committee.

Curtis steps forward once more, "is it because your a commonor? Is it because your a human and she's an elf? Or are you making excuses for the real reason?"

'Damnit, he was smart,' I panic, starting to sweat and slightly tremble.

By now the dc committee room was dead silent, everyone turning their full attention towards us. I turn to Claire mouthing for her to help me but she only shakes her head fully invested into the conversation.

"I don't like her," I mutter looking away from him.

"That's all you can say, huh?"

"Shut up."

"You risk your life for her, you gift her something only the most luckiest, experienced and richest people can get, you let her cuddle into your neck and you don't like her?"


Curtis looks around the room asking them a question, "do you guys believe this?"

"No," they all reply.

"I DON'T LIKE HER," I exclaim.


//third person pov//
Curtis's fists clench staring daggers into Arthur as he looks down.

"Then Arthur, would you be okay with her moving one?"

Arthur snapped his neck to look at Curtis, "w-what do you mean?"

'Gotcha,' Curtis thought. "I mean, would you be okay with her liking someone else?"


"Would you be okay with her holding hands with someone? Hugging another person that's not you? Kissing another boy?" Would you be okay with that?"

"Shut up" Arthur mumbled.

"Her leaning into someone with their arms wrapped around each other? Flirting with each other, kissing each other... Would you be okay with her loving someone else?"

"Be quiet..."

"Would you be okay with her marrying someone else?"

//Arthur's pov//
Something in me snapped as those words left his tongue. Imagining her, Tess with someone else felt like something was ripping my heart out.

This excruciating pain replaced the one of denial and dread as I thought of Tess in the arms of someone else... someone who was not me.

"SHUT UP, STOP IT! FINE I LIKE TESS NOW SHUT UP!" Arthur screams as he covers his ears. He glares at Curtis who is smuggly smiling with his head turned to the door.

As Arthur follows Curtis's gaze he meets another. Tess's.

//Tessia's pov//
As I walk side by side with master, I hear yelling coming from the inside of the dc committee's room.

I turn to master as I recognise Art's voice. "Master do you hear that?"

"Yes I do," she replies with a sigh, "those guys always start making loud noises at this time... Do you want to go tell them off?" She asked with a wink.

"Sure, it'll be nice to scold Art for once," I smiled.

As master opened the door we hear Arthur shout, ""SHUT UP, STOP IT! FINE I LIKE TESS NOW SHUT UP!"

I freeze staring at Arthur my face burning up. As Arthur turns his gaze onto me his eyes widen.

"D-Did you hear that Tess?"

"You like me??"

"That questions kinda pointless right now don't you think?" Curtis chimes in.

My lips curve into a grin as I feel my legs sprint towards him, crashing into his body making him fall onto the wood floor. I pressed my head against his chest. "You finally like me back!!" I joyfully yelled as I felt his hands wrap around my upper back as he rested his chin on my head.

"I kind of, just a little, the tiniest bit like you..."

"That's enough!" I giggle.


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