I need more p.t.2

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//Arthur's pov//
"Tess... w-what did you say?"
How could she say that? Why would she say that? I thought everything was great. I thought everything was fine! So why?

"Let's break up..."
Her voice... that slight tremble in her hand.
T- This isn't a joke?

"T-Tess, why?" I reached for her hands, hoping for some warmth as I felt my heart getting ripped out.

"Art... you're obviously not ready to be in a relationship. I know it's partly my fault for pushing you into this so I'm going to end it."

"What! I am ready! I am..." I spluttered.

"Arthur, before we became a couple we hung out more. Before we became a couple we hugged each other more. Before we became a couple we looked more like one... I'm done."

"N-no that can't be true. C-come on Tess, what are you saying? And we still hang out alot, I've just been busy with the dc committee." I explained.

"But the thing is, you're always busy... Even when Claire, Curtis even Kathlyn isn't. You're always occupied with something." She muttered.

I stared at the ground. I couldn't look into her eyes because I knew she was right. I knew I wasn't acting like her boyfriend. I specifically requested more and more work so I wouldn't have free time. I knew I wasn't ready but I decided to date her anyway.

I wonder what face she's making right now...

It sounds like she's crying... I'm meant to be her damn boyfriend but I'm making her cry. Well... not her boyfriend anymore.

"B-but this can't be the end of us. I know you still love me, you said it just a second ago. You can't give up on me, can you?" I whimpered.

"I'm not giving up, I'm just letting go."

"That's like the same thing," I breathed out.

"I'm sorry but I need someone who acts like they love me back."

"Don't be sorry."

I looked into her eyes. Her gorgeous emerald jewels for eyes had welled up with tears.

"If, just if I was ready to become your boyfriend, would you take me back?" I looked up.

Her eyes were glistening with tears. She looked so hurt and... devastated.

"It depends. I-If I have a boyfriend then... I don't think so." She whispered the end. As if she doesn't want me know.

I looked away. Tess having a boyfriend? No. I don't want that. That's the reason I dated her. I didn't want anyone else to date her and I still don't.

I guess the sky has realised what happened. Now the clouds are covering the grand view of the sky. The beautiful colours intertwined with each other are now overlapped with the grey clouds.

"Tess... I still love you."

"I know..."

I don't want this... I want to be ready now but... I can't and she doesn't need another half assed attempt... she doesn't deserve that.
She deserves an amazing person who can protect her and her smile. I just hope she will wait until I can be that person again.

I hope...

I stared after her as she turned and walked away. The slight tremble in her left foot made my heart ache.

I'm so sorry Tessia...


/2 years later/
Arthur is 16 Tessia is 17
//third persons pov//
"Tessia!" Arthur called, "we're still meeting later today right?"

"Yeah, why Art?"

"Just because," he replied fiddling with his shirt. Not only was this gonna be a hangout with his Tess, this was also gonna be the day he was gonna confess. After years of waiting and making sure he was ready, he did not want to wait any longer. Whenever he saw her, his best friend, his first crush, he lit up. Whatever he was feeling was replaced with the soft glow of happiness.

He acted normal around her but his face, his eyes gave it away. She was the first one to be searched and found by him, no matter who was in the room. His mouth twinged into a subtle smile and his eyes... his eyes softened into a daze while he stared at her. He would have traced every feature of her face before he realised he was staring.

The tables had turned. The oblivious one was now Tess and not Arthur.

"Art? Are you planning something?" She accused. "What are you planning?" She inquired suspiciously.

"You'll have to find out." Art chuckled, "maybe it'll be good, maybe it'll be bad."

"You're so annoying."

"At least I have a face that's good to look at."

"That's like the only good thing about you."

Arthur gasped, "I'm so hurt Tess. I don't think I can every recover from this pain," he cried dramatically placing his hand over his chest.

"You big baby." Tessie laughed.

"Exactly, I'm a baby, I'm meant to be cherished not insulted."

Tessia smiled. Even if it had been two years, her feelings anchored her down to him. No matter what she did, she could not get rid of the weight. It was as if he held her and didn't let her go. She couldn't date anyone after the breakup, because of his face. His expression when she ended it.

His eyes were so bright but after a few words, he collapsed. Metaphorically.

His shoulders slumped, his eyes widened then sank and his hands started to tremble. She couldn't date anyone after that. The guilt ate her away and she couldn't even look at him.

But scars fade and so did the guilt. It ebbed away.

"Then I'll see you later. It's at 7 right?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later Tess." He grinned.

should the last part be angst or wholesomeness?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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