I need more...

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Short chap

//Third person's pov//
Sweat trickled down Tessia's forehead as she clenched and unclenched her fist. Her eyes overflowed with fear and pain but with unwavering determination.

She knew... she had to do this.

But it felt so wrong... She thought of every scenario and every single consequence but there was only one conclusion to all. Only one ending. And even then it felt... incorrect. It felt as if, if she did it, she would regret it.

it would be a mistake.

Her love was everlasting. It would continue no matter what but having her love reciprocated was not enough.

She knew it was greedy, she knew but alas the feeling would not go away.

She felt... lonely.

She felt as if she was the only one in the relationship. That she was the only one spreading any love or affection. It was hard and painful and it still is. Her pain only grew as she watched him walk away every time.

In the two years they dated they have only gone out seven times...

She needs more, someone who will give her their attention, interest and love. That is what she needs and he will never be able to support that.

She felt as if everything and anything was more important to him than spending time with her.

So she must find someone else... Someone who makes her feel wanted, needed. Someone who wanted to shower in her affection and love.
Unfortunately, he was not that someone...

She must let him go...

"..Hey Art."

//Tessia's pov//
The sky's blue and pink and the golden yellow from the sun intertwined, accentuating the clouds was... beautiful. It was if it was so painstakingly drawn. Every colour so perfect and in place. The leaves on the trees glistened in the sunlight.

It was ironic how such a gorgeous and perfect day, would be when the most terrible and horrid experience will happen, she thought.

This will crush Art and I but I have to do it.  I repeated in my head. I love him... I wish we could last forever.

For just one minute, one more second, I want to stay with you... But that would be wrong... To both you and me.

If I had just one wish it would for you and I to have never faltered.

"What do you need Tess? I need to get back quickly, I have alot of work to do. With everything coming up the other dc members are busy enough without me skipping." He pushed urgently

'He looked so pretty... His auburn hair tied back into a neat ponytail. His bangs resting softly by his ears. His azure eyes, so deep and beautiful. He was so gorgeous...'

"Tess?" He asked turning his attention towards me and not the sky, "What's wrong?"

"Art... I love you."

I bit my lip, 'I love your personality, how you concentrate so hard, how you work so hard. When you care about something, you put everything into it... I love how amazing you are and how you comfort me when I feel down. I feel safe with you...'
(A/N btw '...' means in her head)

"I-I love you too? What's happening, you're scaring me Tess."

'He seems so concerned... How do I tell him?'


"Tess, you need to tell me what's going on." He firmly stated.

"L-let's break up

part 2?

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