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Uh so uhm...
this is gonna be on hiatus for a while cuz im not in a good place rn.

im so wxhausted both mentally and physically.

i legit just had a mental breakdown and its best for me to just calm down a little. Its also 2am for me rn so of stuff doesnt make sense im sorry.

My math grade jave gone down by 4% and thats kind of a big deal for me rn and im so scared about my english and geography grades so its best for me to take a step back.

im also hopefully gonnna start therapy and thats prob gonna help me otherwise im jist gonna stop writing...

theres alot of stress due to friendship drama and mental stuf...

anyway i might be back like either soon and not update for a while or imma be gone after this. :)

my other story is also gonna be discontinued for a while :)

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