Nobody comes close p.t. 2

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Part 2!!

//third person's pov//

"Wha-" Tessia's face started to burn up. "Did I hear that right Art?"

Before Arthur could respond there was a series of knocking coming from the door.


"Dad? Grandpa?"

"Tessia let us in!"

"Okay." As Tessia walked to the door she gazed at Arthur, "this isn't over, we'll be talking right after this."

"Wipe your tears first Tess," Arthur mumbled as he covered his blushing face.

Tessia hurriedly cleaned herself up before opening the door while Arthur left. Without Tessia knowing.


//Arthur's pov//
I remember when I first realised I loved you... I was so lost in you, your eyes, your beauty, just you in general that I didn't care about how much pain it put me through. Chasing you became a second instinct. It felt as if I wanted you, needed you... Your laughter was the only thing that mattered. Your smile made me forget how much you were breaking me inside... (Found this in tiktok and changed the words a bit.)

Loving you was so painful...

I became selfish today. I should have hid them, these feelings. But is it so self centered and horrible? Is it bad that I feel relieved? Is it bad that I'm happy about the fact that I may have a chance to be with her? Am I so terrible of a person that I fell in love with someone I can't have?

Why do I feel this way? Whenever I talk to, look at or even touch her, I fall deeper into the pit called love. I feel myself sink in further and further until now... Now even if my life depended on it, I cannot leave. I've gone to far to come back...

It was as if I was a devil and she was an angel. I could stare at her all day but she will never look at me.

My love is like a piece of metal. Not precious but useful. You can break me but you can easily make me normal again. I can help you in many ways without wanting anything in return. That also means you can do anything to me, use me all you want and I won't ever leave because you are a diamond. The best I can ever get.

But now... I feel my tears run down as I know you will never love me back.

//Tessia's pov//
'Where is he??! I said we had to talk after I explained what happened. He just vanished.'

I started to pick up my pace as I realised where he is. Could he be there? I have everyone else searching for him and they haven't found him, he must be there. 

Why did he say this now? Why not 10 years ago? Why didn't he love me when we were 15 or something? Why didn't he say something before my supposed wedding date?

How long has he loved me?

My thoughts kept whirling around my mind as I reached my childhood treehouse. Me and Arthur had so much fun here before he had to leave. I walked up to the tree trembling a little. I used a wind spell to go up to the door which was out of sight and opened it.

I saw Arthur with small tears glistening on the verge of spilling.


"How did you find me?"

"Why did you run away?"

"I didn't run away," he chuckled nervously.

//third person's pov//
Tessia stared into Arthur's eyes almost with questions flooding her gaze.

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