Nobody comes close

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Tessia: 22
Arthur: 21

//Arthur's pov//
She looks beautiful... so beautiful. Her gunmetal hair tied up showcasing her silky smooth skin perfectly. Her gorgeous teal eyes captivating everyone when she walks into the room. Now, she wears a white dress with laces wrapping around her upper stomach and back and a gorgeous diamond necklace I had given her.

I can't believe that five year old child I met is the same person in front of me... Now instead of a child, she is a bride, then she will become a wife, then mother, then grandmother... Until she dies, I will love her through all those.

No matter what I will love her...

Even though she loves him. Even though she will be married to him. Even though she will never love me back.

If only she was getting married to me, if only she never loved him... He loves her title, her wealth, her beauty and status. I love her personality, her voice, her childish antics, her personal flaws which she hates but I adore... I love her... He loves everything about her, except her, herself.

"Do I look okay, Art?"

"Well you don't look messy," I teased Tess through the pain. As she started to pout I felt a pain through my chest, as if someone had shoved a knife into my body. I can't stop thinking about her and the more I do, the pain gets worse. It goes from aching to full on piercing pain through my heart.

I've understood that I will never be yours but that doesn't stop me wishing, hoping and desiring for you to leave him. It hurts... But I can't leave; no matter how much I want to run away from you, how much I want to throw the pain away, you will always be there... You are and always will be stuck in my heart and mind. No matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about you...

Why did you have to make me fall for you if you were never going to love me back? Why did you have to make me want to die for how I feel? How did you make me go crazy thinking about you with him? Why are you clinging to my mind? When have you started living in my inside my head? I can't get rid of you...

"Arthur, are you okay?"

No... I'm not okay, if I only I could go back in time. If only I could make you fall for me instead.

"Yeah I'm okay," I smiled.

"I know when you lie Arthur, I've known you for over a decade. What's actually wrong?"


"Alright, then why are you crying?"

"Huh." I felt warm tears stream down my cheek wetting the ground below.

"It's fine, I just feel like a proud father," I laughed.

"Don't take my spot Arthur," Alduin grinned from the door.

"Hello your majesty." I bowed my head.

"You've known me too long to say that Arthur, call me Alduin."

"Okay Alduin."

"Anyways, Tessia are you ready?"

"Yes father."

She looks so happy... If only she was with me.



//Clive's pov//
Finally after years of rejection I will finally have her. I will become King of Elenoir.

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