Chapter 18

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Kaiden's POV:

I was above her while looking all over her face. She was so flustered and when our eyes met it awakened the hell out of me.

Her innocent eyes are full of emotion and questions.

"Relax, Ari," I said while kissing her forehead.

"H-hindi kaya ako kabado." She said but her face was red and her body was trembling.

I chuckled and then kissed the tip of her nose.

"Anong nakakatawa?" Sumimangot siya at matapang na sinalubong ang aking mga titig.

"I'm just happy." Then smack a kiss on her lips.

Napaawang ang labi niya at nabibigla siya.

I chuckled again, this was also her reaction when I kissed her at the beach. It's cute.

"Trust me, I will not do anything weird." 

Naramdaman kong konti na lang ang panginginig niya kaya kumilos na ako.

I kissed her forehead, her cheecks, her nose, her chin, and down to her neck.

"Uhm..." Nadinig kong mahinang daing niya.

Damn, why the hell does she smell and taste so sweet?

While my lips are on her neck, my hands are working on the buttons of her clothes.

Hinintuan ko ang paghalik sa leeg niya at umangat ako para silipin ang mukha niya.

Her eyes were closed, "Ari, look at me." Pagtawag ko sa pangalan niya at ilang sandali ay dumilat ang namumungay niyang mga mata.

Her eyes looked down to her chest that now freely revealing.

Pinamulahan siya at akmang mag-iiwas ng tingin ng hawakan ko ang kaniyang mukha.

"S-stop looking at my chest." Sita niya na hindi diretsong makatingin sa mga mata ko.

Pinipilit niya pa itong takpan ng mga kamay pero hinawakan ko ito at inilagay sa gilid niya.

"Why? It's beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful."

"H-hindi iyon. B-basta bilisan mo na lang baka magbago pa ang isip ko."

I started to touch her collarbone and then kiss it.

He whimpered when I sucked on her chest.

Fuck, taste good!

"Don't forget to write and count, darling."


"Yeah, that's right."

"T-two." She counts while writing on the paper.

Hindi ko alam kung maiintindihan ko ba ang isusulat niya dahil nanginginig ang mga kamay niya.

"Three, hah!" I continued to suck on her very clear chest, it was soft even though it was only the chest.

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