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After returning to the base, everyone went to wash up. Chen Huo only slept for four hours yesterday. Now all be wanted was to shut up and go to sleep but he couldn't help grumbling, "When can the league change the rules? Why do you have to wear makeup before you can go on stage? I can't even tell the difference with or without makeup on."

Chen Huo wiped his face, rubbed his fingertips, and said disgustedly, "Putting on make-up's fine but the lousiest thing is having to take it off. It's so troublesome. If you don't though, you're gonna grow pimples. This f*cking..."

"Rules are rules. Why do you have so many complaints?" Behind him, Old Qiao knocked on Chen Huo's head. "You think it would look good if everyone got up on there looking like slobs? Under those lights on stage, everyone's flaws would be exposed, alright? Besides, it's just a bit of powder. Isn't it fine if you just rub it off when you wash your face?"

"You need to use makeup remover." Chen Huo turned to look at Old Qiao, confused, "Did you always use to take it off by rubbing it off your face? No wonder your looks aged so fast..."

Old Qiao rolled his eyes and pressed down on Chen Huo's head.

During match days, their work and rest times weren't set. Once they returned to base, everyone got free time. If you wanted to take a bath, go take a bath. Rest, if you wanted to. Yu Sui himself went to the training room.

Yu Sui wasn't in any hurry to wash his face. He relied on his handsome face and good skin and usually just needed minimal make-up before the games. It was the same before today's game. He went to the official dressing room and after a quick go around, came out. Straight men wouldn't be able to tell the difference but his make-up was already done.

Excused from this troublesome procedure, Yu Sui went to open his computer. He took advantage of this moment to take a look into his newfound knowledge - feelings mediation talk shows.

It sounded pretty powerful.

Yu Sui was twenty-one this year. The last time he watched a variety show was Big Pinwheel more than a decade ago. Since entering this line of work, Yu Sui basically had no entertainment life. During his downtime, he usually watched American and British dramas. He knew very little about these weird variety shows. He opened the webpage and did a random search. It took a bit of time to check and after ten minutes he clicked on one that looked like it was produced by some domestic TV station. He put on his headphones and took an earnest look.

After watching it for three minutes, Yu Sui took off his headphones.

He rubbed the space between his eyebrows. What was that eyesore he'd just watched?

Yu Sui was extremely glad he hadn't opened his mouth and said he wanted to join this type of program on their way back to the base just now.

This was absolute trash.

This talk show was totally different from what Yu Sui had imagined. Ten or so so-called feelings experts kicked up a racket and the noise they made caused Yu Sui's ears to hurt. He placed the headphones on his desk, thoroughly abandoning this idea and went to take a shower.

Ten minutes later, Shi Luo, freshly-showered and sporting his own clothes, walked into the training room.

There were a lot of problems that appeared in today's game. The only reason Free was able to push around Bison like that was because Bison was too weak a team and because their own personal abilities were too strong. But a careful observation of both games showed that there wasn't any good cooperation between them. There were even times in the game, where their rhythm broke because of their lack of coordination. This was just the regular season but if this kind of flaw appeared during a major competition, it would allow their opponents to open a breach and turn around the situation.

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